baby blue jay care instructions

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I need some info for caring for a baby blue jay chick.  The nest fell from a tree in last nights storm.  2 chicks were inside, 1 is dead, 1 is strong and alive.  The one that died was less developed than the one that is alive, so I am not surprised it died.  The living one is partially feathered, strong for it's size, nice and warm, very vocal and hungry.  I put the nest back up in the tree probably not where it was originally, the mother has not yet come back, will she?  I have fed the baby worms and a slug, which it readily accepted.  It has pooped as well.  If the Mom does not come back how can I keep it alive and raise it?  Does it need water or does it get enough from the things it eats?  How often do I feed it?  Tips on keeping it warm?  I feel like I should at least try to help it alive.  Any advice is appreciated!

This is not directed to Jarhead, its directed to the general community who responded to this post. You are a scary lot. You must be in california. If its illegal to touch and help a baby bird, you all need your heads examined for voting in such ridiculously pansy lawmakers. Your morality is inverted and as such you are a danger to humanity, freedom, and common sense!
This is not directed to Jarhead, its directed to the general community who responded to this post. You are a scary lot. You must be in california. If its illegal to touch and help a baby bird, you all need your heads examined for voting in such ridiculously pansy lawmakers. Your morality is inverted and as such you are a danger to humanity, freedom, and common sense!
I know this was written ages ago but I just wanted to say AMEN SISTA!!! And PREACH!!!
You had me falling out of my chair I was laughing so hard! I am from California originally (SO GLAD that I’m not there anymore) and you’ve hit the nail right on the head!
I’ve rescued SO many wild birds as well as SO MANY other wild animals. I personally know a wildlife rehabber and she does exactly what I do other than she has the government all up in her business checking in on what animals she has, numbers, etc etc.
My two cents on this subject is...if you have the resources and the knowledge to save or rescue an animal then you should. If you don’t have the knowledge, etc then find a rehabber. By the love of God, anyone who listens to a wildlife agency, or the like tell you to let things die or let “nature take its course”... That’s a big fat nope from me. I am rescuing a baby blue jay as I’m typing this and that’s what brought me here...Good on you for posting what I’m sure so many were thinking. ❤️
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