Baby chick acting strange.


6 Years
Mar 7, 2018
Lake elsinore California
My Coop
My Coop
Hello, I'm new to raising chicks. I got 3 RIR 2 days ago and one of them is acting strange.
fist i noticed her head is blond and not as dark as the other chicks. but this morning i noticed her laying in the brooder on her side and banging her leg on the ground. I don't know if maybe she was taking a (dirt bath)??? But this concerns me because she is the only chick that runs from me and wont hand feed. i got all the chicks 2 days ago at the same time. but blondie is scaring me. she has done it 2 times today. she also breathes deeper than the other chicks. and i noticed she eats alot more than the other chicks as well. she seems like the dominate chick. pushing the other chicks away from the water bowl. what is going on with her? is she showing signs of an illness? i know they don't have mites or lice so i know thats not the issue. please can someone give me advice? Blondie is the chick in the middle of the picture.
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A lot of the times one chick is the more dominate one it's common if they are older too. I don't think there is anything wrong with her especially if she's eating and drinking fine, sometimes they like to lay on their sides with their legs out to bask in the sun.
I'm more concerned about why blondie was laying on the ground banging her foot really hard on the ground. looked like to me like a human having a siesure but her eyes was open and when i said hi to them she stood up and stopped doing it. is it a sign of aggression, a sickness, or just a dirtbath?
I'm more concerned about why blondie was laying on the ground banging her foot really hard on the ground. looked like to me like a human having a siesure but her eyes was open and when i said hi to them she stood up and stopped doing it. is it a sign of aggression, a sickness, or just a dirtbath?
It's probably a dirt bath, especially when you said hi, she stopped doing it which means she's doing it on purpose. I do not think it's anything to worry about :)
I'll try to get a video of her doing it next time I see her doing it. It was really scary since my friend that had chickens said he never seen a chick do that. he said the only time he seen anything like it was when his chick was dying and was laying the same way on the ground kicking while dying. I'm scared blondie might die because what he said.
I'll try to get a video of her doing it next time I see her doing it. It was really scary since my friend that had chickens said he never seen a chick do that. he said the only time he seen anything like it was when his chick was dying and was laying the same way on the ground kicking while dying. I'm scared blondie might die because what he said.
Next time she does it get a video then I'll take a look at it
could it be that she is not a she? I was told by the breeder that they was all females, I do know that blondie has less feathers than the other 2 chicks and has lighter head color but she is a lot bigger than them.

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