baby chick lost wing?


May 14, 2015
hi, has anyone experienced a baby chick suddenly losing a wing?
she's two weeks old and living in a box with her sister and mother in my kitchen, so I don't think she got it trapped in anything. it looks like a very clean wound, I found no blood and no signs of trauma. she has a little nub left on her body where her wing was. she seems otherwise fine and her other wing is okay.
I've never experienced anything like this - has anyone else? I'm wondering if her wing could possibly grow back? and/or what special care she may need.
thank you
Never heard of that. No, the chick cannot grow a new limb (it's not like a lizard losing a tail).

Perhaps the wing was deformed and barely attached, I would make sure the wound stays clean and doesn't get infected.
No. A chick would only lose a wing if some predator bit or tore it off. I would like to see a picture of the wound.

Wings are attached securely to the body of a chicken by tendons. To remove one "cleanly" as you describe the wound, requires severing by a sharp instrument such as a knife or teeth.

You need to clean the wound and keep an antibiotic ointment on it until it heals.

And find whatever did this to your chick before it returns and eats the rest of her.

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