Baby chick not growing


Aug 24, 2019
We purchased 5 new chicks. They are about 3 weeks old.. one has not grown. We named her Peanut. She did have a bit of pasty butt at first but has since cleared up. She eats, drinks and poos but has not grown. Any advice??
All you can do is ensure they're eating and drinking well and hope they grow eventually. Vitamin supplements may help if there's some sort of vitamin issue, such as nutridrench. I usually give it to struggling/not growing chicks once per day.

Sometimes runts do eventually grow out, or remain small and healthy. Sometimes they die eventually if there's something internally wrong.
I am having the same issue she is not growing much at all. The only problem I was having is she was sneezing but sneezing less now. She eats good and poos ok no problem there unless she is a bantam. How much do they grow? She does not fly like the others. Any suggestions?

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