Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

That is so cute. I once had two baby chicks in a brooder with some quail when the heat source went out over night. I got up in the morning to find the quail babies all huddled up with the two baby chicks. I might have lost the quail had it not been for the chicks keeping them all warm. Quail and chickens do very well together I have found.
That is so cute. I once had two baby chicks in a brooder with some quail when the heat source went out over night. I got up in the morning to find the quail babies all huddled up with the two baby chicks. I might have lost the quail had it not been for the chicks keeping them all warm. Quail and chickens do very well together I have found.
Peep-Peep is the only of my 5 chicken chicks I trust around the quail babies even with supervision, being the most docile of the rowdy bunch. XD But they are in a tub inside the main brooder so I am sure they got used to one-another and I don't see the others pecking at the tub now to get at the quail, so I may have a test-run to see how the others react when I have them out the brooder for a little exercise, and if they start pecking hard instead of the light curious pecks that Peep-Peep does, the little ones will get put back in their safety tub.

Got them all out and put them together and... They are all snuggling together being adorable. I was afraid the other chicks may try to eat them, but nope, hardly any pecking and just cute snuggle time.
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Mine like to sleep here most days hahaha

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The mess I came home to ugh


My dog Jo is extremely interested in the cheeping and when they scatter really fast lol I think he thinks they're chew toys for him


Was clean for half a second before they got in and started throwing feed all over but at least I got the lid finished not using supplemental heat they did great going in the garage at night and outside during the day

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