Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Thanks! I was thinking amuracana. I saw a picture of them and she resembled them also. I'm very excited to see what he/she turns into! I'm rooting for a she!

Based on the coloring, I'd say it's a Black Australorp.  The chicks are black and white, and their juvenile feathers come in black, with some white-tipped feathers (they get the greenish shine full-black feathers at their first full molt into adulthood).  And I'd say that's a girl, based on those tail feathers, at this point.  Boys are slower to feather out at this age, and based on the size/color of the comb... still yellow.  I have 5 female Black Australorps who are 8 weeks old, and 1 female at 4 weeks old, along with a male at 4 weeks old.  He still doesn't have nearly the tail feathers that his brooder mate does, and his comb is much larger than hers.
Based on the coloring, I'd say it's a Black Australorp. The chicks are black and white, and their juvenile feathers come in black, with some white-tipped feathers (they get the greenish shine full-black feathers at their first full molt into adulthood). And I'd say that's a girl, based on those tail feathers, at this point. Boys are slower to feather out at this age, and based on the size/color of the comb... still yellow. I have 5 female Black Australorps who are 8 weeks old, and 1 female at 4 weeks old, along with a male at 4 weeks old. He still doesn't have nearly the tail feathers that his brooder mate does, and his comb is much larger than hers.
It looks like mine to and I have black aust.

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