Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Three week old bantam mille fleur cochin

One week old mille fleur cochins
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It's really hard for me to get a good picture of them with my crappy cellphone. This was taken while I was moving them to a bigger brooder.

Here's our cute little Buckeye chick, Shannon.

Chicks in the picture: Silver Spangled Hamburg, Black Sumatra,
Rhode Island Red, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Speckled Sussex.
Barred Rock, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Cream Legbar, Barnevelder,
Golden Laced Wyandotte, White Rock, Buckeye, Golden Campine,
and Black Copper Marans.

Avalon, a Silver Spangled Hamburg

We actually got a silver laced red Wyandotte as well. It is the broody hen in the picture with the chicks.
I guess what I'm asking is, i saw a black chick with a white dot on its head in a rainbow bin. Could it have been a barred rock?

From my understanding it is an assortment of overhatched chicks. Ones that were not presold as a specific breed. IE any variety of chicken could be in the assortment from brown or white layers to green or blue layers of any breed.
Yes it could very well have been a Barred Rock or a Dominique.

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