Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!


"Pink" and "dolly"
These chicks hatched on or about April 13..."Lulu" Blue isbar/Lavender orpington

"Isea" blue andelusian/Blue isbar- out of white egg

at first I thought this bird was a SFH because I had SFH eggs in incubator, but now I think she is a Maran/black australorp mix..."sophie"

these 2 look alike I think they are from the same parents. the one below won't stop peeping. I had to sleep with her in my bed last night. don't worry I sleep light. I have been calling this chick "Porknoy, the complainer".

pure blue isbar, "Ula"

Lynessa, Blue Isbar/lavender Orpington

Blue isbar/lavender orpington, "Culuck".

SFH pure, "Sparque"
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I go a couple new chicks. The help at the store couldn't tell me how old they were besides "at least two weeks", i suspect they are quite a bit older. Can you help me narrow down their age? Thanks!

The black one is a barred Plymouth Rock, and the brown a Rhode Island Red. The black is quite a bit bigger.


These are my 3 little ones. The one in the front is so tiny. I stayed up the night we got them cause we were worried the tiny one wasn't gonna make it. 5days later and happy to say "Newah" as my son named it, is doing great!


Our 3 'big' little chicks. 1st visit outside. They did not want to come back in.

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