Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Made a new cross breed. Mixed my favorite two kinds of chicken Houdan and Silkie.
They look like little penguins, I cant wait to see them grow up.

We got our first chicks yesterday! Went to Tractor Supply and got 7 chicks (the lucky 7). I was going to get 6, but they had the cutest little Bantams and I couldn't resist.

They are straight-run Bantams, but there was a customer there who told the TS employee that she wanted 6 of them "with their panties on". I asked her what she meant and she said that they were the ones that had feathers on their legs. Said that last year they got the ones without leg feathers and they ended up being a different kind, something about them being thinner and not as friendly or something? Anyway, she also asked the guy to try to get her girls. He said that he wasn't really allowed to do that, but did it anyway because the manager wasn't around. :D When it was my turn I asked for the same thing that the other lady got, so ended up with this (hopefully) little girl:

I don't know what kind of Bantam she is.

I also got 5 Gold Sex Links, 2 orangey ones and 3 beige ones. I'm wondering what the beige ones look like when they are grown up? Are they white or beige?

Also got this little one. She is so pretty! She was in a tub marked "pullets" and there was a list of breeds that she could be. I am really new at this, so it is probably obvious to most of you here, but can anyone give me guesses as to what breed? I wish I had gotten more than one. They only had a few left like this, too.

I rigged up a brooder using 2 cardboard boxes taped together, but I think I will switch to a really big plastic tub that I have after reading on here about brooders. :)


well here are my new chicks in they're new home. little grey one is wife's, the little yellow one with brown face is son, daughter and I are sharing the silkie's the one behind food dish and the one in front of pack. By shareing I mean if one becomes a roo and is mean its mine and will have to trade it in for a different silkie. the rest are just my egg layers nothing special. Sons is out of a red bin at TS wife's out of assorted bantams and the other 6 are also out of reds bin at TS. but as you can see none like the roost poles I made out of 4x4 and 5/16ths rods. we are using a dog kennel for them atm.

Here are some not so great pictures, but does anyone happen to know what these chicks are? They were in an assorted red pullet bin, that were all the not much of an assortment. I am assuming they are red sexlinks...All I know is they are the most friendly little cutie patooties of the whole bunch. They are also smaller than all the other chicks of the same age. There isn't anything wrong with them, as they are both the same size...but they are smaller than the others, leghorns, EEs and Buff Orpingtons...the orps are the largest of course, unless you count the meat birds...because the meaties look like small basket balls.

Omg I forgot the pictures...

Here are some other pics of the leghorn chicks and a meat birds when they were just a few days old..They look much different now of course. We got them on the 6th and 7th so they are a good bit older now...or in chicken terms, way different looking. You guys know how these little things grow.

Here's a couple quick snapshots of my GLW and SS. The next photo is of EE's (not actually true Americaunas). The white "owl" looking one turned out to be a rooster and the other is now laying her first greenish/blue eggs. The last picture is the EE hen now.

Golden Laced Wyandotte

Speckled Sussex

Easter egg chicks leghorns RIRs and mean black buggers

Only two of four picks posted
retry on other two

Barnyard mix (RIR rooster, Ameraucana or Barred Rock or Chantecler eggs) hatched yesterday, 3/22

These were supposed to be 3 week old buff orpingtons. I am now wondering if they mixed up and gave us red or gold sex links... opinions?

Speckled Sussex on left and Silver Laced Wyandotte on right just got them 3 hours ago!

Took these pictures of my neighbors chicks about a week ago.

Here are the 4 little boys after being put back in from running around the coop.

Some of my peeps


Congrats on all the new babies!

Red Stars, Americanuas, Leghorns, and a Plymouth Rock. Might add some ducklings later. :)
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Started out with 10 nuggets this year. 5 golden laced wyandottes, and 5 buff orpingtons. One of the buffs died the morning after we brought her home :-(

Then about two weeks ago we had one wyandotte mysteriously pass away as well :-(

The other are doing great and are developing their own personalities!
This is my favorite:

It doesn't matter how hard I try to keep her off my shoulder when I'm holding her lol, that's her spot and she always gets up there! (lol I have yet to be pooped on too) But when I take them outside to their pen she always hops in my lap first :) I still haven't figured out a name for her yet!

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