Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

There's a lot of them, so I'll keep them small. Here's some of our latest additions!

Easter Egger/Production Red Mix, home grown.

Barred rock mix, home grown.

Barred rock/White Rock mix, home grown

The barred rock roosters were busy fellas. Home grown.

another shot of the barred rock mixes.

Two barred rock mixes, home grown.

The easter egger mix from earlier and a chicken I crocheted. She looks confused.

Closeup. Look at those cheeks!

Purchased today--a little EE roo saved from the panfry bin. Lucky him! My husband fell in love with his coloring and wanted to take pictures of him.

The EE roo (left) with an EE pullet I purchased on Thursday. Almost serendipitously, there coloring is nearly identical. It will be interesting to see how they feather out.

I purchased this lovely EE pullet on Thursday as well. She has very faint silvery striping.

Another beautiful EE pullet. Her down is a rich, red brown.

The last EE chick in this batch. She's solid black with a lovely brown cap and hints of brown elsewhere.

An old English game bantam, purchased on Thursday. I have one I purchased a year ago that I named Pipsqueak, so I may name this one Zip. Pip and Zip!

One of two bantam d'uccles (I'm assuming--bantam assortment, and they look just like the bantam d'uccles I got last year)

The black EE again. The heat lamp on the photo table was so nice she started to stretch out and then just sank down where she was.

The two d'uccles

The brown EE

On of three black sexlink we purchased today.

Photos by my husband, Civa Tateo
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My first chicks! We are super excited! We got 12 today from a local farm. Two of each breed, so a total of 6 different kinds. What have I gotten myself into!

My first chicks! We are super excited! We got 12 today from a local farm. Two of each breed, so a total of 6 different kinds. What have I gotten myself into!
Well the cats seem enchanted with the new additions!

This is our brave girl! The only one if our oldest 3 that have actually flown the coop!! Does it several times a day. Just waiting for the others to want to follow suit!

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