Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

Meet Bob! He is our male Plymouth Rock and is about 5 1/2 weeks old. He was sold as a she, but I think there is no doubt that he is a Bob! :)
We got the Lavenders from a local breeder. Im not sure if they are on BYC. They are located in Leesville, SC just south of Columbia. I will be happy to PM the phone number to you. They also have some Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana chicks as well. Im sure some will be Roosters. Not sure yet how many yet. I will post some more pics next weekend. We had 1 out of 4 hatch under our broody hen as well. Great Ameraucana Roo and Cuckoo Marans Hen. If the wing sexing technique is accurate, it should be a pullet. Good luck to you!

Yes, I'd like that contac.
My babies! Two Buff Orpington, two Brahma and two Delaware.
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