Baby Chick Pictures!!!!! POST!

My 30 mutts n lockdown started hatching this morning, I've got 19 hatched so far and still have 8 pips including my 4th Silkie. I'll post some pics soon.
I've wanted chickens for years, and finally we own our own home. My husband promised to build me a coop this month for my birthday, so my 16 month old daughter and I went and picked out these ladies from a local farmer:

Buff Orpington

Dominique (or rather "Dominikker") (She actually fell asleep on my hand during the pictures)

Isa Brown

Rhode Island Red (she's the bravest so far)

Originally we planned on 3, but the farmer offered me a free chick, and it would have been rude to turn him down, right? ;) Hopefully my husband will agree when he gets home, haha.
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I have no idea what breed this is but it's sure cute!!!!
Darn it!!! Found two of my silkies dead this morning. The first from the 30th and the last one of the 4th. The one that hatched on the 2nd is fine and another one hatched this morning was due yesterday. Still got the 8th 10th and 12th.
I give all my babies yolk water first three days. some times weaklings don't show up until days 5-7 then it is too late. If you are ever worried about a chick, look at the feet, if you see wrinkled stick toes your chicks tummy has most likely shut down. Yolk water stat... even then...



Here some pics of the babies hatching since yesterday morning. So far 26 have hatched from the 30 that went to lockdown. I've been calling them mutts but my friend who I got this eggs from explained to me that what I have is sex links since his males are Rhoad Island Reds and his females are RIR, BPR, and WPR. So I would have RIR's , Black Sex Link, and Brown Sex Links. So the all red chicks are RIR, the Blacks are Black Sex Links, and the Golden chicks are Brown Sex Links. Second batch in lockdown (another 30 eggs) are pipping plus second batch of Courtnix in lockdown is hatching candle my 3 remaining Silkie eggs and the one for the 12th is a quitter, I'm going to keep it in the bator just in case.....

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