Baby chick sleeping with a twisted head on her back?


In the Brooder
6 Years
Feb 15, 2013

I'm not sure if this should go in the emergency/disease thread so I decided to post here, hope you don't mind..

This is Sandy, shes about 6 weeks old (oops, not quite a baby anymore sorry). We removed the chicks from mumma hen 2 days ago because she got sick of them. I was already aware of Sandy sleeping like this a couple of days prior which I assumed was cold but even in the brooder she still twists her head. She eats and drinks albeit 90% of the time when I check up on her shes sleeping this way next to the heat lamp and has her eyes closed when she's not. This only happens when sleeping, if I tap the brooder she'll wake up and her neck will be normal again =/

I actually don't think they even need artificial heat but it seems like she needs it. Today I took her outside to see her reaction and as expected, she stood in mostly one spot picking at the grass. I'm not sure if she's lethargic or whatnot but I gave her some vitamins .. could this be wry neck? How do I fix this??

I don't understand why shes the only who has it (on an unrelated note, after reintroducing my broody to the flock she's sooo timid and scared of all the other chickens. Poor girl, they probably bully her as shes always by herself in a corner, hope it gets better)


Her brother
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You could try giving her vitamins. Get some infant vitamin drops (PolyViSol or generic) without iron, and put 2 or 3 drops on the side of her beak once a day, and let her pull the liquid in herself.
There might not be cause for concern. Many hens choose to sleep with their heads tucked inside of one of their wings. You may have noticed that chickens have extremely long necks when they stretch them out all of the way. My pullets started tucking their rads in this way right around the 5-6-week mark as well.

An interesting note: boy chickens tend not to be able to tuck their heads into their wings for sleeping.

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