Baby chick swollen red eye


5 Years
May 29, 2017

I just got this sweet babe from the feed store yesterday because I noticed his eye was crusted up. I cleaned it with warm water and started applying Terramycin 2x's daily. My question is her/his eye ball gone? And how do I best help it?
It looks swollen, as if it was pecked. Hopefully, it will improve with care and eye ointment, and the swelling will go down, allowing you to see the eye. Make sure it is drinking and eating, since it may not be able to see well.
It looks swollen, as if it was pecked. Hopefully, it will improve with care and eye ointment, and the swelling will go down, allowing you to see the eye. Make sure it is drinking and eating, since it may not be able to see well.
Thank you! He's eating, drinking, playing, toileting normal. He just can't open the eye at all.🥺

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