Baby chick with bad leg


Feb 23, 2021
Hi all,
We just hatched some chicks. 1 Hatched yesterday and was walking around fine. This morning, it looked like the hock joint had some blood on it. I also noticed it was crawling, not really walking like the one that hatched over night. I carefully removed the chick and used a cotton swab to put blue kote on the wound, then placed it back inside the incubator. I know that the peeping of other chicks can be comforting. Should I leave the chick in the incubator, or remove it to some place warm? Anything else I should do for it's leg. It's clear it can't walk. I should have taken a better picture of the wound before blue kote, but didn't. I was anxious to get it back in so it could finish drying.

I was planning on putting these chicks in with momma hen which is very broody, but the eggs don't appear to be hatching. However, I don't want to do that to an injured chick.


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Hi all,
We just hatched some chicks. 1 Hatched yesterday and was walking around fine. This morning, it looked like the hock joint had some blood on it. I also noticed it was crawling, not really walking like the one that hatched over night. I carefully removed the chick and used a cotton swab to put blue kote on the wound, then placed it back inside the incubator. I know that the peeping of other chicks can be comforting. Should I leave the chick in the incubator, or remove it to some place warm? Anything else I should do for it's leg. It's clear it can't walk. I should have taken a better picture of the wound before blue kote, but didn't. I was anxious to get it back in so it could finish drying.

I was planning on putting these chicks in with momma hen which is very broody, but the eggs don't appear to be hatching. However, I don't want to do that to an injured chick.
Don’t put her with the mamma yet. Be careful when handling her though, you don’t want her to get stressed. Do you have vetercyrin or bacitracin?
We have been keeping this chick in a brooder with another chick hatched 8 hours later. The two get along fine, but the chick with the bad leg only seems to be getting worse. I hate to say this, but I think we may have to cull the chick. It can eat and drink, but takes a great deal of effort. It can't do much more than crawl in left circles. I do pick it up and place it near the food and water throughout the day, but I believe it is a huge stress on the poor chick.

The question is how to raise just 1 chick. We do have 3 other chicks that are just over a month older than the healthy one. Once it starts growing feathers, would it be ok to put all 4 of them together? Or should I wait until it's fully feathered and try to introduce it to the flock?

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