Baby chick with deformed feet? Update

I guess anything is possible. I'm still learning about chickens, winging it as I go, lol so to speak! All I know is personally, I never give up on anything until I have to. You will know soon enough if it is going to make it or not. Can it eat and drink? I had to shallow lids for Quincy as she couldn't stand long enough. Because she fell over a lot, I made sure the water had lots of marbles.
Your pics are great!! I Just took her out of the bator when I got home so haven't given her water or food yet. She just hatched this afternoon. I'll dip her beak before I turn in. A lid with marbles sounds like a good idea. I lost my marbles once and when I found them I made a lamp out of them so I wouldn't lose them again! LOL Wow she's a sweetheart tho. I got the band aid on by myself easily she just kinda watched like she knew. We'll see how she is in the am. Thanks for your help! I don't give up easily either
I can't wait to hear how she is...I hope doing well
Quincy was really good about the bandaids for awhile but then as her strength increased, lol she got quite fiesty. I hope this little does the same because that is a sure sign of a will to live.
Good luck with the little sweetie.
I had one with really severe spraddle leg, thought there was NO WAY it could be corrected. After a few days with the bandaid (which she hated) she was perfect and now you would never know. She is almost laying age now.
They sure do fall a lot with the bandaids on so be prepared to help her get back up a LOT.
Hope she does great!!!!!!
you might want to use some sort of pipe cleaner so the legs stay straight and then tape together, Please post a pic of your little one when your done doing her leggys !!!
OK things are not really looking good. The pad on the bandaid seems too wide for her so I am going to try to improvise something to hold the legs even closer. Her feet are up around her ears still. Just cant get those sea legs under her. I'll see if I have pipe cleaners. Good idea Thanks. She seems to take in water when I dip her beak so otherwise shouldn't be suffering. Cant stand at all tho.
I'll post pics when I figure this out.
So here's what I came up with. She likes sitting in my hand with my finger between her body and her feet. So I took a piece of dowel and wrapped it with some fiberfill for comfort and put this between her body and feet to hold her feet down from her ears. Don't know if this will correct anything but she sure looks alot more comfortable. Except she keeps falling on her face. I hope I'm not just putting off the inevitable. Here's what she looks like now:
And here are her bator mates:
Janie Marie ~
Appears that you've done a good and creative job of fixing up your chick. It's so hard to do with such a little tiny creature whose legs will *not* cooperate!
I hope this is successful for you. It's a lot of work right now; if this works then you'll be delighted you took all the time and effort.

Good luck! And please keep us posted as things continue.


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