Baby chick won’t stop “crying”!!


Apr 15, 2020
Frazier Park California
Ok.. I had such good luck with my first 3 chicks that I decided to add 2 more recently. I got a GLW and a Black Sex Link chick 2 weeks ago. My BSL from day 1 has been very “needy” as far as wanting me near her. She will make this high pitched chirping crying sound until I come to the brooder.. then she stops! If I walk away she does it again..this morning it started at 4:00am.. woke up the whole house so I’m thinking they may need to go into garage with heat of course. I wanted to keep them close by to keep a better eye on them but the non-stop chirping is making the hubby and kids crazy.. me too to be honest. I don’t think they are too cold or too hot... they have food and water and even a teddy bear. Is it possible she is lonely? How will it go if I put them in garage? My poor GLW can’t relax either... thoughts?! Ideas?! Posted a pic of brooder too. I used this exact same set up for my three other chicks and it was perfect.


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I think she may see you as a mother figure. Are you sure she is otherwise healthy?
I suspect the first thing though. She has imprinted on you. She sees you as her mom, unlike the GLW, and becomes very distressed when she cannot see or hear you.
If you feel she is in no distress then I don't see why you can't move them into the garage as long it is protected and safe. Does she do it when she sees movement or just constantly? Some chicks are frightened by people hoovering over them and call out in fear.
Some chicks are naturally chirpy. I have a little red hen that still is. She coos, cackles and chirps the whole time she's out pecking around.
If you feel she is in no distress then I don't see why you can't move them into the garage as long it is protected and safe. Does she do it when she sees movement or just constantly? Some chicks are frightened by people hoovering over them and call out in fear.
Some chicks are naturally chirpy. I have a little red hen that still is. She coos, cackles and chirps the whole time she's out pecking around.
I think she does it when she can't see anyone.
If you feel she is in no distress then I don't see why you can't move them into the garage as long it is protected and safe. Does she do it when she sees movement or just constantly? Some chicks are frightened by people hoovering over them and call out in fear.
Some chicks are naturally chirpy. I have a little red hen that still is. She coos, cackles and chirps the whole time she's out pecking around.
She does it when I go out of sight haha! She will stand in front of brooder wall and look all around till I come back. I’m going to do garage. To keep my sanity. I love them so much and want to comfort her.. I just have to be realistic! Hahaha garage is very safe... I have a great set up out there and door of garage opens right to house so we can visit often! You all are so helpful!
Does she start making happy cheeps when she sees you, or does she just stop? If she makes the happy cheeps, then you are definitely her Mama Chicken and she misses you :love . If she just misses you, she should be fine.
She will stop primarily... if I pick her up and put her on my lap she is so content... haha I think garage is best for me.. it’s attached to house and my sons room so she will see us a lot. I just feel bad :( I’m making the area very nice for them lol
I think she may see you as a mother figure. Are you sure she is otherwise healthy?
I suspect the first thing though. She has imprinted on you. She sees you as her mom, unlike the GLW, and becomes very distressed when she cannot see or hear you.
She seems very healthy! Eating.. drinking.. growing...pooping.. no signs of anything else. I feel like it’s me because it stops when I come to her and when I leave she stands at brooder wall which is kind of see through and cries. I feel so bad putting them in garage if she needs me.. but I just can’t listen to it all night.. and if she wakes the hubby up we are all in trouble lol

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