Baby Chick

Glad to meet you and welcome to BYC. You have been given good advice for that poor little fluff. I hope she gets better, but sometimes, they just aren't born with all the oomph they need to keep going. Best wishes for all your chickens.

Here are my favorite beginning articles that helped me as a newbie. I hope you will find them helpful as well. All articles are short, have illustrations, and reviews, which are often worth looking at for the comments.

1. Intro to chicken keeping

2. Common mistakes & how to fix them

3. Ventilation (important to chicken health), with helpful links to coop designs organized by climate (because what is just right for my New England hens won't work for my brother's Arizona chickens)

3(a). Farmers Almanac on Building Coops (Includes size requirements!) Allowing plenty of space for chickens is really important because, even as chicks, they will start pecking each other or plucking their own feathers, or become unhealthy if they are overcrowded. Here is a link to Colorado State Extension's publication on space and temperature requirements for chicks as they age.

4. Predator protection for new & existing coops

5. Dealing with a muddy coop and run

6. Gardening for chickens

7. BYC Lists of Chicken Ailments and Cures

To look for articles on your own:

A. Use the SEARCH button, but use the Advanced Search choice, and select ARTICLES at the top of the box. Just enter your keyword(s) and scroll through your results!

B. I find it helpful to notice the rating and reviews. All articles are by BYC members, and all the reviews/ratings are as well. The ratings help a newbie like me sort the most useful and reliable articles.

C. You can bookmark the articles or posts you think you want to refer to again using that bookmark icon at the top of articles or posts. You can find them again by clicking on your own avatar and looking at the list of bookmarks you have built up!

Notes about where to put a coop:

1. As far as you can, put a coop and run on high ground, that drains well, so you won't have so much muddy coop problems. Chickens need to be dry, dry, dry.

2. As far as you can, put a coop with the ventilation lined up with your prevailing breezes, and away from the direction of your storms. If you are not sure of these (who is these days?), check with your local National Weather Service website.

3. As far as you can, arrange for some sort of shade over your coop and run. Preferably deciduous so the girls will enjoy winter sun, but summer shade.
Hello and welcome to BYC! :frow

Sorry the little gal isn't quite right. :hugs Keep the heat off to one side, food and water on the cool side, and lay a thermometer on the floor directly beneath the heat source. It should be somewhere around 88F. There should also be a cool side of the brooder so they can cool off. Chicks can't yet regulate their internal temps. Make sure she knows where the food is by tapping with your finger on crumbles sprinkled on a paper towel next to the feeder. Dip beaks in the water so they know where that is too. Make sure her vent stays clean. You might also add probiotics to their water, change out the water daily if you do this. (Empty 1 human capsule in a quart waterer filled.) I hope she will be ok! :hugs
Thank you I have put the food on the cooler side and it’s at 89 degrees. Do you know how many times I should clean her for the pasty butt? Like every 4 hours or just once a day? Sorry for all the questions and thank you for all the information 😁
Thank you I have put the food on the cooler side and it’s at 89 degrees. Do you know how many times I should clean her for the pasty butt? Like every 4 hours or just once a day? Sorry for all the questions and thank you for all the information 😁
It shouldn't keep coming back, but you don't want to see it stuck on there as they can die from it if they can't poop. You can dab its little tush with some coconut or oil or some light oil that might help. Probiotics in their water might help clear it up too. I have Hydro-hen for their water but there are a few other kinds. Just only do that for part of a day though as they should have just fresh water as much as possible.
It shouldn't keep coming back, but you don't want to see it stuck on there as they can die from it if they can't poop. You can dab its little tush with some coconut or oil or some light oil that might help. Probiotics in their water might help clear it up too. I have Hydro-hen for their water but there are a few other kinds. Just only do that for part of a day though as they should have just fresh water as much as possible.
Well despite all my efforts fluffy is no longer with us. But I wrote down everyone’s awesome notes just in case this happens to me again, hopefully not but thank you for your help and kind words

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