Baby chicks age?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Dec 16, 2011
Can anyone guesstimate how old this baby chick is? I got 6 and the store didn't know how old they were. Some look different and I was told they were all Buff Orpington.
It looks about 4 to 5 days old to me. And it is NOT a buff anything, lol... It could be a silver laced wynadotte. Where did you get them?
I'm thinking SLW for the first one, the chipmunk striped ones are probably Easter Eggers, and the golden one looks like THAT might be a buff orpington. Beautiful babies! You will have to post more pics as they get older.
I got them at Runnings in South Dakota. I will keep taking pictures as they get bigger. Now I'm stumped as to what breed they are!
The first one kind of looks like it might turn out a barred color and the striped one looks like some Welsummer bitties we had. They surely lied to you about them all being Buff Orpingtons lol Hopefully as they get older you'll be able to tell which breeds they are.
Or like they said a SLW. Good Luck!!
The store would have had the order in all same day so all same age. With wing feathers coming in on the one it's more than 5 days and likely closer to 7. By 10 days they all should have wing feathers but that will vary as to how much or little heat you provide them. Certainly if you call them a week old now then you'd be within a day either way.
Temp is between 80-90. They are in the garage for now. They do have sunlight. They are up off the floor in a rabbit cage. I do have a bigger wooden cage for when they outgrow the rabbit cage. Once they are old enough to be in the barn we have a room for them and an outside fenced in run.

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