Baby chicks age?

Sounds like it may be a bit cool for them right now. In another week or two they should be fine. I would worry about the night time temps if you don't have a heat lamp. They will feather in a little quicker if the temp is a little below the recomended. (95 for first week, 5 degrees less every week till at room temp). After about 2 weeks they will start staying away from the heat more as their get feathers. Without feathers they can't regulate their body temps well. If they are huddled together in a pile they are too cold but you don't want to overheat them either. They are cute, no idea on the breeds tho.
I do have a heat lamp, I can lower it a bit more as I have it above their cage.

They were all huddled in one spot when we got home, set up the cage and light and now they are all walking around and I'm hearing a lot of chatter.
They are over a month old now. I uploaded new pictures in this album.

I am hoping to get ID's on them now

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