Baby chicks and snacks?

At that he I feed them broccoli.., they love it an its full of protein an it's good for em!! It is easy for them to digest because well just look how small a broccoli bud is!!! But I just steam the broccoli I do not put anything salt, butter, or anything like that just plain good ole broccoli!
I also hang carrot leafs from the ceiling of the brooder cage an they tear it up!
To Michael Apple: I appreciate the time you take to educate newbies. Me included. Thanks :) You have the chicks welfare in mind all the time.
I bought meal worms at Petco that was gross but they loved them! I tried to show them a bug and they ignored or didn't see it so I figured I would pick up the bug with a stick and show them. As I moved to them the bug started up the stick at me, I screamed and dropped the stick, the chicks scattered and now they figure if that little bug made the giant human scream it must be BAD. I think I made them temporarily afraid of bugs, too funny!
I raise my animals like I raise my kids. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger (within reason, ofcourse). Good thing we all can do things our own way. It would be a boring place if we did it all the same. :)

So as a note to anyone who reads this: There's always more than one way of doing things. Find what works for you.

Oh dear....
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My chicks are about 2 1/2 weeks old. I'm thinking about giving them some lettuce. Would I have to chop it up into little pieces? And if I gave it to them would I have to give them grit too? waterer is leaking. Why do the plastic twist type leak? Luckily i decided to clean them out and realized that the newspapers under the pine chips were soggy from the waterer slowly leaking. Has anyone else had this problem? waterer is leaking. Why do the plastic twist type leak? Luckily i decided to clean them out and realized that the newspapers under the pine chips were soggy from the waterer slowly leaking. Has anyone else had this problem?

Yep. Every plastic one I've had ended up leaking in no time.
Man am I ever more glad I read this thread! I have fed mine yogurt AND kefir mixed in with their chick starter. I will have to limit that and not let them have it AS much because I don't want them having kidney troubles when they get older from too much calcium when they were younger.
I'd just die if I messed up their health because I want them to lay me many many eggs for as many years as they possibly can.

So I'm glad you guys shared your knowledge on the calcium stuff.

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