Baby Chicks are Sneezing Help


Jul 12, 2015
Sparks NV
I originally postes in Raising Baby Chicks Forum, but got no response...So I'll try here. I have one Austerlorp about 8 weeks old. Recently I purchased a Blzck Jersey Giant, and. Production Red about 8 weeks also. Those two have the sneezes. When I purchased them I also got some of the water dissolving powder antibiotics and immune defense to help their ability to adapt to new surroundings. What coukd the sneezing be caused Austerlorp was purchased at a less sanitary place than the two that are I am a bit confused. Please this normal?
I am not sure about sneezes but you need to separate the sick ones from the other.

Try some vitamins If sneezing the only symptom, it might be wait and see.
My chicks scared me pretty bad when they were sneezing liquid out (clear water) every time I went outside. Its been weeks and they have never slowed down or showed any signs of other problems. Sneezing is apparently normal for young chicks.

Keep them on vitamins and watch for any other symptoms, like lethargy, drooping wings, standing while sleeping, lack of appetite, ect.

Best of luck!
My chicks scared me pretty bad when they were sneezing liquid out (clear water) every time I went outside. Its been weeks and they have never slowed down or showed any signs of other problems. Sneezing is apparently normal for young chicks.

Keep them on vitamins and watch for any other symptoms, like lethargy, drooping wings, standing while sleeping, lack of appetite, ect.

Best of luck!

Awesome thanks for the help...they seem really healthy and play a lot so I think they should be okay. I gave them two packs of that powder in two gallons. They have no liwuid when they sneeze. Its a dry sneeze. Thankyou for the advice and help.

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