Baby chicks failing to thrive??

Pretty sure its on the bag....will grab a pic shortly :)
Actually there isn't a breakdown on bag! Just a label outling cocci med...


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What do you know about the parent stock and breeder? Was this from a business, or a backyard breeder? Do you know if they'd been vaccinated for cocci before you got them?
Out of my last hatch, I had a pair of SLW eggs - one terminated in the egg and the other had very poor feathering and growth aside its hatchmates. I didn't have any other medical issues until the chick suddenly went lame (joint injuries). Vet and I chocked it up to issues with the parent stock.
On my second SLW hatch also this season, eggs were much larger and of better quality. I made sure the breeder had genetic diversity in their flock and they were responsible in ensuring their pullet eggs got up to size before selling any. I've helped the feathering along with extra protein as they are a slow feathering breed, but the differences between the two hatches are night and day.
What do you know about the parent stock and breeder? Was this from a business, or a backyard breeder? Do you know if they'd been vaccinated for cocci before you got them?
Out of my last hatch, I had a pair of SLW eggs - one terminated in the egg and the other had very poor feathering and growth aside its hatchmates. I didn't have any other medical issues until the chick suddenly went lame (joint injuries). Vet and I chocked it up to issues with the parent stock.
On my second SLW hatch also this season, eggs were much larger and of better quality. I made sure the breeder had genetic diversity in their flock and they were responsible in ensuring their pullet eggs got up to size before selling any. I've helped the feathering along with extra protein as they are a slow feathering breed, but the differences between the two hatches are night and day.

Thanks Lizzy,
The chicks were from a business that's been operating for about a year or two. I did already contact the owner re the small chicks (and we lost four in the first 2 weeks) - but she suggested it was due to me using some meadow hay for their daybed (after which I changed to 100% shavings). I provided the feedback as I had wondered if there was a bit of inbreeding and consequent fitness issues but I got the feeling the owner wasn't pleased with that query...although my intention wasn't to complain - just to inform based on the assumption that a hatchery doesn't always get to follow on their offspring and wouldn't know if people didn't say. I figure 2 years would be about right timing for inbreeding issues to potentially surface....especially if genetically compromised stock were used in the first place... ?
Anyway, I too have SLW, but even though slow feathering - mine have waaay out feathered these little guys....poor wee mites! :(
Thanks Lizzy,
The chicks were from a business that's been operating for about a year or two. I did already contact the owner re the small chicks (and we lost four in the first 2 weeks) - but she suggested it was due to me using some meadow hay for their daybed (after which I changed to 100% shavings). I provided the feedback as I had wondered if there was a bit inbreeding of and consequent fitness issues but I got the feeling the owner wasn't pleased with that query...although my intention wasn't to complain - just to inform based on the assumption that a hatchery doesn't always get to follow on their offspring and wouldn't know if people didn't say. I figure 2 years would be about right timing for inbreeding issues to potentially surface....especially if genetically compromised stock were used in the first place... ?
Anyway, I too have SLW, but even though slow feathering - mine have waaay out feathered these little guys....poor wee mites! :(
Oh and there wasn't any claim of vaccination, so I would assume that's not happening...
Ill have a look on bag for breakdown (but photo of feed description atrached). Its sort of seems like theyve had some virus or infection go through, which is compromising their ability to fight cocci (despite meds), grow , and is affecting weaker chicks more than others...?

Funny that they don't list the nutrient percentages or the exact coccidiostat.
Maybe not a regulation in AU?
Actually there isn't a breakdown on bag! Just a label outling cocci med...
Can you get some photos of the current poop?

Coccidostat is on that label. It's Salinomycin Sodium or "Coccistac" I've really only seen that in medicated feeds for Australia and I think 1-2 times for Canada.
It might be used in the US for commercial poultry but I couldn't say.

I suppose it's possible for the chicks to have a virus or infection that is causing developmental issue - but they would generally have symptoms.

Taking a fecal sample to your vet is the best way to find out if there is a Coccidiosis overload and they can also do a gram stain to determine if there is infection. Chicks that are suffering from disease usually are lethargic, not eating/drinking, etc.
Can you get some photos of the current poop?

Coccidostat is on that label. It's Salinomycin Sodium or "Coccistac" I've really only seen that in medicated feeds for Australia and I think 1-2 times for Canada.
It might be used in the US for commercial poultry but I couldn't say.

I suppose it's possible for the chicks to have a virus or infection that is causing developmental issue - but they would generally have symptoms.

Taking a fecal sample to your vet is the best way to find out if there is a Coccidiosis overload and they can also do a gram stain to determine if there is infection. Chicks that are suffering from disease usually are lethargic, not eating/drinking, etc.

Ive attached a pic of this mornings poop (they have been sitting on top of brooder and squished not great for form, but have circled areas that appear to contain blood). The poo is generally in ok shape...although there is the odd poo that - if it were a dog - I would say looks a bit like collitis (pic attached). Ive also attached a pic of the bunch of them for comparison - the chicks circles in green are the same age (the small brown one is the one with crusty eyes, mouth corners and butt)- as are those in pink. The huge one apparently is only a maximum of a week older...

Will get a sample to the vet for checking out. It does seem odd...I wouldve thought anything wrong and they would be showing it in terms of activity, eating and drinking...its only the smallest that has anything symptomatic - and its a wild spark at food time...!


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I personally wouldn't buy from that breeder again. I breed Frenchies and I want to know everything and anything that happens to any of my pups whether its my fault or not. I am there for the families forever and I keep in touch almost daily with most. I know pups are different but when u have a business with any live animals you should want to know the things that come up. The fact that she got insulted with your query doesn't make sense to me. I hope the rest of your chicks make it. I am interested to see how this works out in the end. Thanks for your post. I had a ton of chickens years ago but not in a while. My chicks will be here tomorrow and I can learn from these posts. X

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