Baby chicks momma dying what to do?

Please post some photos of your hen, her poop, where she is being kept, etc.

Has her food gotten moldy or rancid?
How long has she been broody? (sitting)

If you don't have confirmed Marek's, then it's just a guess right? Check your hen really well for lice/mites, get her up and moving about a little. Get some fluids into her. Get some vitamins into her - 400IU Vitamin E and 1/4 tablet B-Complex daily.
I would add electrolytes to her and the chick's water for the first week as well. Do make plain water available too.

Make sure she's not overheating and has shade, room to move about with her chick.
Monitor closely.
Her food hasn’t gotten moldy or rancid.She’s been Broody for about 2 weeks. Yes the Mareks is just a guess.okay.Now she’s not even talking and is laying on her side with her eyes closed.when her baby is crying she’s not saying anything , when I touch her she doesn’t growl.
I have a powder that works for mites but I’m not sure if it works for lice I’ll have to look. That could very well be it.
edit:she very cute. Good luck.
Yes we’ve been using a strong powder on her and I got rid of the lice by bathing her in dawn.We’ve also been spraying her.
Can you gather her up and check her over really well for lice and mites?
What does her crop feel like?

I would work on hydrating her first, see how it goes.

Put the baby in a brooder and provide food/water and a heat source.
Yes I checked her well and didn’t see any.I gave her sugar water and she drank a lot of it while standing up but now she’s acting like she’s dying.Okay will he be alright since he’s all by himself.
What is a "strong powder"? Photo of the product?

You've been washing her too? Have you been drying her well?
I only washed her once when I first found the lice the one time killed them all.I dried her really well since she has a baby.

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