Baby chicks raised with flock or seperate

Have had a mid ranking broody hatch out chicks.
Let her back in with flock at about 2 weeks(it was cold as hell so waited longer than usual). She got some rather exciting fights, but it was over pretty quick with a tiny bit of help form me and the cockbird, the chicks were never in danger. She thereafter rather enjoyed her raise in the rankings, maybe a bit too much..hehe.
My rooster is very protective so if he will join ranks with the mama hen I don’t think I’ll have problems. He takes really good care of the girls. He’s a bit mean to me but I just steer clear of his space and we do ok.
My first baby chick was under broody today almost a week before I expected it. I have no idea how it happened that I was off on the dates so far. I was cleaning the coop, putting in new shavings for mama, when I heard it chirping. I’ll post pics of them when I see them moving around a bit. I’m gonna try to leave them in with the flock and see how the other hens and rooster deal with them. I’ll try to get pictures thru the process for the folks who wanted to see how it went.
I have let a hen sit and today found 2 chicks. This hen is looking really good since she's been sitting as usually has bald spot from being pecked. She is sitting on her and another's eggs. But she is very protective over them. But I'm concerned since she is up in the top part of the coop. I put food and water up there for the chicks but they will fall 2 feet if they go near the opening to the bottom. What to do? Do I take them from the sitting hen and rehouse them?
I’m leaving mine in the big coop with my other 7 hens and a rooster. This is my first broody so I’m gonna see how it goes. Today was day two and no problems so far. The other chickens are leaving her and the chicks alone. They do free range all day so I’m sure that helps They’re not penned in all day. The mama hasn’t left her nest yet tho and some of the chicks are two days old. I’m not sure if yours will fall out or not I would think they would be ok if they did but they have no way to get back up to mama. I would think a ground level nest would be best.
Weve had success (so far) with our mmama raising 4 chicks in the flock.They are 3 weeks old and sleep with the flock at night ,but seperate most of the day.Roo is very good with them.Rest of the girls seem to tolerate them providing they dont try and take their food.The whole process from mama brooding to hatching has been amazing.Mine are school hens and the group of kids i work with have been blown away by the whole thing.Nature at its finest

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