Baby chicks with other chickens


7 Years
Apr 14, 2012
We have 8 week old chicks and 5 year and half old chickens. I just put the baby chicks in coup with lamp and in a big bin. My question is when can I get rid of the bin and put the chicks with the older chickens??
If the adults seem to care little about the chicks, I would do a test run by letting them be together now. Then, spend some time watching behavior. A new pecking order will have to be established, and this will happen in the yard/run, at the feeder and on the roosts. There will likely be many ruffled feathers, but things will settle down in a few days. If your birds are pets, some of the behavior will seem a bit severe. Frequent squabbles are part of the process. What you're looking to avoid is continued and prolonged assault. This is less likely to happen if there is plenty of space available. Think about leaving a roost in the same area where the bin is located.

Do you have a plan for what to do if they do not integrate well? This can be stressful for the older birds and chicks alike.

Now that the bad has been said, here's the good: Integration usually works out well in the end!
lol, I got 7 new chicks that are 8 weeks old. just got nervous as its been chilly here in mass at night..

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