baby duck with lots of problems

Weeeeeee....LOL...nubbikins!! Bwahahaha...LOVE it!!
x 2 you all are cracking me up here.
The hospital that Josh was in is a huge.  They have done so many add ons I can't keep up.  Some elevators don't go to the floor you want to go to you have to take a certain elevator to get to different sections.  I just hope I don't have to go back for a long time.

I hope we get some of your rain Patti.  It doesn't look like we are going to get a whole lot.  I hope you don't get any flooding from your rain.  

Josh is feeling much better.  He's still a little weak from spending so much time in the bed but he's doing great.  I baked him some peanut butter cookies a while ago.  Those are his favorites.  Josh is 21 years old but he will always be my baby.  We still worry about them no matter what the age.  

I looked out the window here and there were 6 chickens on the back porch waiting for a hand out.  Then when I hand out to them I have to give to the ducks out front.  I can't do favoritism here.  ;)

Yay for Josh. Home and improving. Awesome news for the young man. Let us know when he is 100%.

Ha-ha, your chickens on the porch asking for handouts. So cute. They are smart. Then you had to feed the cute ducks so that they didn't feel left out. BIRDS :)
Hopefully the pouring rain we're getting right now will move on up your way Patty. It is pouring here which means flash flooding for the mountains.

Glad to hear Josh is home and with you. and he'll continue to heal with your TLC.

and that Clyde is improving YAY. I don't know how I'll get Ernie to take his meds today with the rain pouring down. I may have to wait till tomorrow.
Oh, sheesh, Miss Lydia. Lots of rain. Has Opie been coming inside alot to get away from it?
Thanks Garner I'm sorry you haven't found a hope yet.  I'm sure there is someone out there that would love to add them to their flock.  I know what you mean about keeping Dave.  He was your first duck and of course your baby.  Your going to keep him no matter what.

Clyde is showing some improvement.  He is a little more mobile then what he was.  He is still limping but moving more then what he was.  

How is your chicks doing?  They are so cute.  I'm sure their growing fast.  To bad they can't stay little longer.  

We are getting a little rain here.  We really need it.  Everything looks so dry.  I think we need about 2 or 3 days of rain to catch up on our rainfall.  

It's nice to be home this morning and have Josh with us.  :yiipchick   Have a great day all.


That's good to hear about Clyde doing better. It may take a while for the meds to really kick in, I hope it's not too long though. And I hope I find good homes for them as well, they deserve it.
My chick's are doing great! We let them in a little rabbit hutch yesterday so they could pick at the grass and meet the big girls. Neither were too interested in each other, our duck lady was more interested in the chick's! She wouldn't leave them at all staying near the cage and such. I'm sure she wanted to adopt them right up. I'd let her too if Dave was nice to babies, he wasn't very nice to his babies though so Lady can't have more, sadly, I loved ducklings. I'll post pics of the Chick's soon.
That's good to hear about Clyde doing better. It may take a while for the meds to really kick in, I hope it's not too long though. And I hope I find good homes for them as well, they deserve it.
My chick's are doing great! We let them in a little rabbit hutch yesterday so they could pick at the grass and meet the big girls. Neither were too interested in each other, our duck lady was more interested in the chick's! She wouldn't leave them at all staying near the cage and such. I'm sure she wanted to adopt them right up. I'd let her too if Dave was nice to babies, he wasn't very nice to his babies though so Lady can't have more, sadly, I loved ducklings. I'll post pics of the Chick's soon.
oh how cute of duck Lady liking the chicks. Sweet mothering bird. she wants to snuggle with them. Dave, be nice to those chicklets.
That's good to hear about Clyde doing better. It may take a while for the meds to really kick in, I hope it's not too long though. And I hope I find good homes for them as well, they deserve it.
My chick's are doing great! We let them in a little rabbit hutch yesterday so they could pick at the grass and meet the big girls. Neither were too interested in each other, our duck lady was more interested in the chick's! She wouldn't leave them at all staying near the cage and such. I'm sure she wanted to adopt them right up. I'd let her too if Dave was nice to babies, he wasn't very nice to his babies though so Lady can't have more, sadly, I loved ducklings. I'll post pics of the Chick's soon.
Hopefully Dave will mellow out as he ages. He will be past the teenage stage next year and he will be a nicer duck. It seems like our male ducks aren't as aggressive as they age.

I would love to see pics of the chicks and that is so sweet that Lady wanted to mother them. Maybe some day she can have more babies.

Hey Julie...I'm getting the impression that you love birds. Am I right?
I think one of these days when Julie gets her farm she will have lots of ducks and chickens, goats and horses and of course her little finch ducks.

Found a home for Sally, Henry, and Charlie. A nurses son has five acres, coops, Chickens and wanted some ducks as pets. We said yes right away because they're already prepared and their gonna be pets and not food. I'm so happy they're going to a good home, they deserve it. They're coming in a few hours to get them. I'll miss them a lot but I know they'll be okay
Found a home for Sally, Henry, and Charlie. A nurses son has five acres, coops, Chickens and wanted some ducks as pets. We said yes right away because they're already prepared and their gonna be pets and not food. I'm so happy they're going to a good home, they deserve it. They're coming in a few hours to get them. I'll miss them a lot but I know they'll be okay
Congrats GZ pays to wait it out and now look great home for them sounds like heaven for ducks!! be sure to tell them they should try to find at least 3 more girls so the boys don't over mate Sally. Oh maybe a care sheet I did that when I sold a couple of ducklings a couple years ago.

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