baby duck with lots of problems

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I keep plenty of things on hand Patty and most of the time even if the water goes over the road byt then exrt day if the rain stops it will have already receded. Once we couldn't get out for 2 days that was when we had rain from 2 back to back hurricanes from the gulf in 2004.We were with out power for a week once and couldn't get out until we cut all the trees off the road, this was a heavy snow storm that came through . We bought a generator after that time late 90's.
Forgot to say Opie lost some of his swagger to day while we were at church. I am not sure what happened but I think Samson just got tired of Opie pushing them around and fought back. Opie couldn't wait to get to us and inside and he was covered in mud. Sam just a little dirty. So I don't know what it will be like when I put Opie back out i am going to do my outside chores so i can observe them. Poor Opie he has worn the crown for a while now. We are still cloudy but no rain now for a couple hours so maybe it is finished. South Carloina got hit hard much worse than us. Other than the coast of NC. Dh keeps track of the rain gauge and he says over last week over 10" of rain. I hope they say we are now out of drought.
Oh wow, Patti. Now I have to say something here and it is nothing against Opie since I do love him and his towel pulling ways but I am glad Samson fought back. Although I HATE it when birbs fight (mine do and I can't stand it), I am in support of Sam defending himself.

But it is so sweet that Opie ran to you and DH. Did he get cleaned up before he went into the house? Did you get to do outside chores and observe the boys?

I'd hope by now your drought is over. 10" is crazy.
Yes he does Deb just isn't quite so confident now..

Here is a pic of a huge maple tree down by the river you can see how high the water is on the trunk and the river has gone down considerably since this morning even. this tree is down below our home.
You can kind of see where it went over the bank on the other side and doesn't that look like an animal hanging in the tree dh said I was to tell ya'll it is a water dog. Wish i had of gotten pics last eve when it was really high.
That river is high. The maple tree gives it perspective. Wow Patti. Amazing and scary. What is a river dog? I remember you told us about another animal in the water that turned out to be some very large type of salamander or knute? Or is the river dog the knute thing? I kinda don't remember.
That river is high. The maple tree gives it perspective. Wow Patti. Amazing and scary. What is a river dog? I remember you told us about another animal in the water that turned out to be some very large type of salamander or knute? Or is the river dog the knute thing? I kinda don't remember.

River dog is a huge salamander .

Julie It's time for Opie to be taken down a notch listen to this i just went out to check on everyone and Opie is down at the fence really wanting me to get him so I go out and stand between him and the geese so he can walk around to the gate let him in and he immediately goes and runs old Ernie into the dog house so I politely picked Opie up and put him back out with the geese and his girls.

I put Opie in the pool yesterday but managed to get all muddy doing it. No I didn't get in with him it was too cold.
Yes he does Deb just isn't quite so confident now..

Here is a pic of a huge maple tree down by the river you can see how high the water is on the trunk and the river has gone down considerably since this morning even. this tree is down below our home.
You can kind of see where it went over the bank on the other side and doesn't that look like an animal hanging in the tree dh said I was to tell ya'll it is a water dog. Wish i had of gotten pics last eve when it was really high.
Wow you have some major flooding there. I'm glad your up higher then the river. That poor animal looks like it hanging on for dear life.

I hope your rain ends today and you see some sunshine soon. The ducks as much as they like the water are probably going to be glad to see some clear days.

River dog is a huge salamander .

Julie It's time for Opie to be taken down a notch listen to this i just went out to check on everyone and Opie is down at the fence really wanting me to get him so I go out and stand between him and the geese so he can walk around to the gate let him in and he immediately goes and runs old Ernie into the dog house so I politely picked Opie up and put him back out with the geese and his girls.

I put Opie in the pool yesterday but managed to get all muddy doing it. No I didn't get in with him it was too cold.
I think Opie is so flustrated with all this rain he is taking it out on the geese and then poor Ernie. He can still wear his crown but he has to be nice to everyone.

I think Opie is so flustrated with all this rain he is taking it out on the geese and then poor Ernie. He can still wear his crown but he has to be nice to everyone.

Well he is finally inside laying on his bed. If he behaves I don't think Sam will start anything with him,Sam usually only has to lower his head and straighten his neck out and every one go okay I move. lol
Wow you have some major flooding there. I'm glad your up higher then the river. That poor animal looks like it hanging on for dear life.

I hope your rain ends today and you see some sunshine soon. The ducks as much as they like the water are probably going to be glad to see some clear days.

I'll try to walk down later to see if that really is an animal. I didn't want to do it last night since I had the mini dachshunds with me and didn't want them that close to the river.It may not even be an animal but looks like one in the pic.
Well he is finally inside laying on his bed. If he behaves I don't think Sam will start anything with him,Sam usually only has to lower his head and straighten his neck out and every one go okay I move. lol
aww laying on his bed beside his mom he is so sweet. At least Sam gives a warning and I hope that Opie listens and behaves. Sam is not a bully but he's not going to put up with being pushed around.


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