baby duck with lots of problems


Fine if you don't want it. I hear you can knit with it. If you know how to knit and have instructions..

Hubbie is out in the yard trying to spread the dirt we got to try and keep some of the water from standing in the yard. He had plenty of help with the chickens beside him then they decided to dig. They dug big huge craters in his leveled dirt. They finally got tired of the digging and moved on to another spot in the yard. He got the holes filled in but I bet they come back later on.

I'm also happy to report that Nugget the world wide traveler that jumped the fence all the time has remained grounded since I took her passport, luggage and clipped both wings.

I just went out in the yard and the chickens are back to the cleared spot. They've got another huge hole dug.
I think Bubba the roo is encouraging them to dig. Hubbie gave them a handful of grass seed to eat so they would leave the seed he planted alone. They would rather hunt for the seed it's alot better.

Clyde is doing better. I noticed him walking yesterday his limp is not nearly as bad. The busy body down the street has even noticed his improvement. He commented on how Clyde was doing much better. I'm glad that you told me about the medicene Patti. Your right he is very special and he knows it.

Hubbie is out in the yard trying to spread the dirt we got to try and keep some of the water from standing in the yard. He had plenty of help with the chickens beside him then they decided to dig. They dug big huge craters in his leveled dirt. They finally got tired of the digging and moved on to another spot in the yard. He got the holes filled in but I bet they come back later on.

I'm also happy to report that Nugget the world wide traveler that jumped the fence all the time has remained grounded since I took her passport, luggage and clipped both wings.

I just went out in the yard and the chickens are back to the cleared spot. They've got another huge hole dug.
I think Bubba the roo is encouraging them to dig. Hubbie gave them a handful of grass seed to eat so they would leave the seed he planted alone. They would rather hunt for the seed it's alot better.

Clyde is doing better. I noticed him walking yesterday his limp is not nearly as bad. The busy body down the street has even noticed his improvement. He commented on how Clyde was doing much better. I'm glad that you told me about the medicene Patti. Your right he is very special and he knows it.

Oh my gosh Patty Hubby has no chance against a herd of chickens. lol I have to wait till everyone is up in bed before I even attempt to toss out any grass seed then they are watching out the windows.
and of course they think hubby has put that dirt down for them to play in.

Yay for Nugget getting all her roaming days behind her. I couldn't ground Middy if I tried, now all my chickens are in molt so they have to wait for me to open the gate to go out, poor things don't have enough feathers left to even attempt a fly over. They look so silly when pert near naked.

I am so happy to hear your seeing improvement in Clyde Good for him..Their little legs can wear out pretty fast carring around those heavy bodies. I know I am amazed at how much better even Ernie is getting around. He'll never be running around like he did when he was younger but to see him even moving is a blessing. I'll probably have my 3rd Dachshund on the Glucosomine[sp] before long just to keep his back good he's going to be 7yrs in Dec.
Hubbie is out in the yard trying to spread the dirt we got to try and keep some of the water from standing in the yard. He had plenty of help with the chickens beside him then they decided to dig. They dug big huge craters in his leveled dirt. They finally got tired of the digging and moved on to another spot in the yard. He got the holes filled in but I bet they come back later on.

I'm also happy to report that Nugget the world wide traveler that jumped the fence all the time has remained grounded since I took her passport, luggage and clipped both wings.

I just went out in the yard and the chickens are back to the cleared spot. They've got another huge hole dug.
I think Bubba the roo is encouraging them to dig. Hubbie gave them a handful of grass seed to eat so they would leave the seed he planted alone. They would rather hunt for the seed it's alot better.

Clyde is doing better. I noticed him walking yesterday his limp is not nearly as bad. The busy body down the street has even noticed his improvement. He commented on how Clyde was doing much better. I'm glad that you told me about the medicene Patti. Your right he is very special and he knows it.

Love your chickens interfering with Hubboose as he was digging. Cute birds. Just playing, they are.

Good. Nugget is retired from traveling the world. Just to be safe, Patty, call the TSA and make them put a stop on her passport in case she goes into your house and snoops around until she finds it. They run it thru the machine at the border and it will say to return her to Pattyhen forthwith.

So happy precious Clyde is doing better. What a relief. How long will you be administering his meds?

How are Uno, Que Sera and Topper doing? are the ducks still running in their own little groups?
Oh my gosh Patty Hubby has no chance against a herd of chickens. lol I have to wait till everyone is up in bed before I even attempt to toss out any grass seed then they are watching out the windows.
and of course they think hubby has put that dirt down for them to play in.

Yay for Nugget getting all her roaming days behind her. I couldn't ground Middy if I tried, now all my chickens are in molt so they have to wait for me to open the gate to go out, poor things don't have enough feathers left to even attempt a fly over. They look so silly when pert near naked.

I am so happy to hear your seeing improvement in Clyde Good for him..Their little legs can wear out pretty fast carring around those heavy bodies. I know I am amazed at how much better even Ernie is getting around. He'll never be running around like he did when he was younger but to see him even moving is a blessing. I'll probably have my 3rd Dachshund on the Glucosomine[sp] before long just to keep his back good he's going to be 7yrs in Dec.
Oh no not molting. Those poor chickens they better grow those feathers in before winter hits. They always look so pitiful when they molt.

That is so funny that the chickens look out the window to see what you are doing. Our head hen Skiddles has got the window seat and she keeps an eye on everything. She dares any of the other hens to sit in her spot.

I'll probably put our dogs on the pills pretty soon. They will soon be seven years old. Their both part australian shepperd and their pretty good sized dogs.

it's funny how they all have their own spots on the roost isn't it.
We're putting out grass seed today but using those blanket things to roll down over it since it's a steep bank hopefully none will find this since it's behind our tractor shed. They can sniff out anything new though.

I have 3 dogs on the Glu. now and will probably add one more in Dec. that will only leave my mixed bird dog Annie not taking it. She shows no signs of slowing down yet and she'll be 8 in Nov. I need to buy stock in this company.
Love your chickens interfering with Hubboose as he was digging. Cute birds. Just playing, they are.

Good. Nugget is retired from traveling the world. Just to be safe, Patty, call the TSA and make them put a stop on her passport in case she goes into your house and snoops around until she finds it. They run it thru the machine at the border and it will say to return her to Pattyhen forthwith.

So happy precious Clyde is doing better. What a relief. How long will you be administering his meds?

How are Uno, Que Sera and Topper doing? are the ducks still running in their own little groups?
I will call the TSA and put a stop of her passport. I wouldn't put it past her to snoop in the house and find it. Nugget is always following hubbie in the garage snooping around to see what she can get into. She may think her passport is in the garage I have her fooled it's not.

I am so happy Clyde is doing better. He will be on the meds the rest of his life. I hope it's a long and happy life.

Yes we still have the little groups and the sub groups. Topper is still eatting everything in sight and then beaching her little body in the grass. Uno still has his wing at half mast and his little black eyes. Que Sera remains the princess of all the flocks. I still haven't seen her mate with anyone so she might be a late bloomer.

it's funny how they all have their own spots on the roost isn't it.
We're putting out grass seed today but using those blanket things to roll down over it since it's a steep bank hopefully none will find this since it's behind our tractor shed. They can sniff out anything new though.

I have 3 dogs on the Glu. now and will probably add one more in Dec. that will only leave my mixed bird dog Annie not taking it. She shows no signs of slowing down yet and she'll be 8 in Nov. I need to buy stock in this company.
Yes it's an unwritten rule in the chicken house each chicken has their spot. If the chicken is not there when you close up you better go hunting for them because you have a problem. The young hens all perch in the rafters with Bubba so I can't keep track of them but the older ones have their assigned spots.

Thats a good tip about the vitacost vitamins the stock prices should go up with all the sales you are giving it. Hubbie has even mentioned that maybe he would start taking the vitamins since it has helped Clyde so much.

I think we are going to get some rain here today. We need it bad. Everything looks so dry. We have the harvest homecoming going on now downtown. It's the second biggest event in Indiana so does that tell you Indiana doesn't have to much going for it. There are booths with people selling homemade food and crafts. Everyone always has their favorite food booth. I love the oyster booth they are so good. I've been trying for years to get the chicken and dumplings but they always seem to be sold out. They sell them faster then they can make them. Even if it rains the people still go. One year they did close down early because we had high winds predicted and the booths would probably blow away.

Yes it's an unwritten rule in the chicken house each chicken has their spot. If the chicken is not there when you close up you better go hunting for them because you have a problem. The young hens all perch in the rafters with Bubba so I can't keep track of them but the older ones have their assigned spots.

Thats a good tip about the vitacost vitamins the stock prices should go up with all the sales you are giving it. Hubbie has even mentioned that maybe he would start taking the vitamins since it has helped Clyde so much.

I think we are going to get some rain here today. We need it bad. Everything looks so dry. We have the harvest homecoming going on now downtown. It's the second biggest event in Indiana so does that tell you Indiana doesn't have to much going for it. There are booths with people selling homemade food and crafts. Everyone always has their favorite food booth. I love the oyster booth they are so good. I've been trying for years to get the chicken and dumplings but they always seem to be sold out. They sell them faster then they can make them. Even if it rains the people still go. One year they did close down early because we had high winds predicted and the booths would probably blow away.

Sounds like fun Patty we just had Old Timey Days here pretty small scale but still fun. i love to go to things like your talking about if nothing else than to walk around and see what everyone is making. Have fun..

I take Krill Oil for aches and pains. I keep Vita Cost going

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