Baby Duckling Nibbles


7 Years
Feb 16, 2012
North East, Maryland
Okay.... at one day old the little tasting sessions were cute. But at one week already, OUCH!
I mean don't get me wrong, it's cute. I'm glad I'm the object of such constant attention. However, will this tasting continue? I've already taken to moving the duck to a neutral spot in order to interrupt the unwanted behavior so we're training her NOT to keep doing this. But with clothes and toes and shoes... do Ducks continue to sample us even as they grow older or do they just eventually stop?
Did you only get one Duck ? Ducks really do need to be in pairs. or .. they will attatch to you ... And truthfully not live as happily
Yes... and no. We had only one hatch. So I found another. Within 36 hours it died. Back to one duck. Until tomorrow when I pick up the replacement duck. She was definitely happier when there was another duck around for company.

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