Baby geese too attached?


6 Years
Jul 12, 2013
I have 2 baby Toulouse Geese about 1 month old. I've had them in a plastic tub in the house. I fixed a brooder spot in my chicken coop. Twice I've tried to transfer them down there to no avail. They freak out, and sit in the corner shaking and do not eat or drink. I will be leaving for a few days and need to figure something out because they are getting too big for the tub. Any suggestions would be so appreciated!!
my 2 Africans are 10 weeks old. they see me and complain till' i let them out. then they follow me in the garden. sometimes they get so busy eating grass they start panicking when they cant see me and start vocalizing! i call to them and they rush over to me wings spread! they're so clumsy now. its hilarious! once they get to me they vocalize a goose greeting. they're names are Laverne and Shirley. wife named them ;) key is to handle them a lot when they're young and bring them outside often with you. you will imprint on them as mother.
That is exactly what I did with mine. I had them outside with me before keeping them outside overnight. (They free range during the day) mine are the same big babies. They are adults but still freak out if they can't see me.amd vocalize flapping and zooming over to me complaining. I would say spend time outside with them as much as possible. Make sure there food and water is right with them and they should be fine. They will adjust.
How much time did you give them to acclimate?
Of course they will be scared in a new environment.
It may take a couple-few days for them to adjust.
As long as their food and water is easily available, they'll eat/drink when they need to.

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