Baby monitor for coop?


Sep 27, 2016
Hi All,

I have been thinking about getting one recently as I cannot see the coop from my house.

Do people prefer audio or audio and video monitors? My concern about the video ones was that there will obviously be a light on in the coop during the night, would this disturb the hens?

Any help would be appreciated.

On my wish list too....more like pipe dream list cause it's never gonna happen.

There's a ton of coop cam threads to browse thru.
Advanced search>titles only> coop cam
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I would prefer the video one, as I feel like the audio wouldn't ease any of my concerns. I just like to see things. I'm not sure about the light though, they will probably get use to it. I used to put a lantern in my coop for when I just transferred my chicks outside, and I do not think it bothered them.
I use sound. Video does not alert me when I am asleep. Additionally, it is sound my dog in house wakes me up for because dog is more awake at night. The chickens will be very informative based on sound.
Thank you for both of your replies.

I would prefer to use an infrared video and audio monitor but only if the infrared wouldn't disturb the chickens. Do you know if they can see the infrared light?

If there is any doubt and it could bother them, I will just stick with an audio monitor.

Thanks again.

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