Baby question...

Yesterday was an extremely difficult day for us. At her 9am diaper change, I noticed a lump on her groin. I went to our doctor immediately and he diagnosed it as a Hernia. He sent us to a local children's hospital for a second opinon and possible surgery, if it was an actual "strengulated hernia".

I called my DH right away and asked him to meet me at home. I then LOCKED MY KEYS IN MY CAR! Thankfully the baby wasn't in the car yet. Anyways, he met me at the doctors and than we went to the hospital.

LUCKILY it is not strengulated and if the hernia does not heal itself (which they rarely do, as per the Ped. Doctor), she will have to have it repaired at 4-5 months of age.

Our next step is to be referred to a Pediatric Surgeon and we'll be seen at monthly intervals until s/he feels the operation is needed.

Thank you again for all of your advice. I'm trying different things here and there to see what works for us.
So sorry to hear that. I know that your heart must have sank in your chest when you found that lump. I'm sure she will be fine. Find an excellent dr that has done this numerous times. I'm sure I don't have to tell you that. Hope everything works out for you.
My son has had several medical "events" since being born 2 months premature. Ive learned its best to take things one step at a time and learning all you can about it may make you feel better and more prepared. It did for me, the internet is a wonderful place for information. Its so easy to worry when theyre so small and helpless, I hope things go well.
Bummer about the hernia, that stinks. I am a stay at home dad, but we still do breastfeeding as my wife, the doctor, pumps at work. It is the easiest for babies to digest so if you can, I would agree with others in continuing breastfeeding.

One other thing, I don't know if you can get it where you are, but you may want to try raw milk. Depending on local/federal laws you may have to "lease" a cow to get it. We just started and from what I have learned on the subject, raw milk is so much easier to digest and much better for us. It is supposed to be way easier for those with allergies and even those with such extreme digestive ailments

But I will also second others in that Mom knows best(Dads try hard too, hehe). It sounds like you are getting a lot of good support from family. I will say a prayer that the hernia heals on its own.

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