"Baby"silkie update after vet :(

Arklady, that does look good. Better prices too than others I've been looking at this morning. Thanks for sharing. I'm going to order some today for sure. Thank you
DH still this morning sending me text messages complaining I paid for this. ARRGHHH! I give up! I did the only thing I knew to do to save Baby. She was NOT just a bird who roams the yard. She was held about 5 times a day and carried around by me and my daughter. She was spoiled since she was born. She had a lot of fiestiness about her. She could run faster than any of my standard birds and she would peck others to get out of her way as she ate. She was the smallest bird we had so we always pampered her. She was only about 5-6 inches tall,,,maybe! And about 5 inches long. A little bitty fiesty thing.
My daughter and adored her. When the vet said she had feathers sticking into her body where the hawk had bit her and pushed in some of her feathers, I had to let him try to clean out this wound. He said no way could she survive without it. So I made the decision to let him try. She died as she was coming off anesthesia. It's not my fault the money was wasted. She was worth the try and I had to do that for her. Thanks for listening to me vent, Julie
I'm so sorry, Julie. :aww
Your DH is just going to have to get over it! I would have done the same thing. A pet is a pet. It doesn't matter if it's a $5 bird or a $500 dog. I hope you feel good knowing you did everything you could for your Baby.
Now, if you want to divert your husband's attention, I can tell you how much some of my horse's vet bills are!
I'm so sorry..............................I was rooting for sweet Baby.

When my sweet hen died just after surgery it was painful to see her lifeless body as I got handed a $600 bill. But the primary pain was about her not making it.

As to your DH, I think it's sad that he values something only by what it cost in money- I cannot understand that kind of thinking. Not somebody I would consider a kindred spirit I'm sorry to say. I hope in time his eyes are more open to what true value is.

I wish you peace - you are a good person. :aww
You did what you had to do. Your just a caring person. When the pups had parvo we tried our best and my moms boyfriend was like your DH. He did not care about the animal ony the money that is getting "wasted". The bills all toghether was over $10,000. My mom is like you she has a big heart. You tried your hardest. I know how it is loosing one of your favorites. I lost my white silkie who was so sall and so tame. Her brooder was on the side of my bed and she used to get out and sleep next to me. One of our dogs got her and I was so weak I sat in the middle of the road. I couldn't move I was just so depressed. I hope that you can get one just like her.
Thank you Carrie for understanding. You have to own these birds to realize how kind and good they are. DH normally likes my chickens....he built a nice barn for them....he hung 2 heat lights plus a new heater for their barn to keep them warm during winter....I don't know he is so upset over me trying to save Baby. He is angry that the vet he says was not honest in his prognosis for her. He thinks he should have told me she had a very low chance of survival but he is convinced the vet wanted the money so he operated and knew that a mom and daughter would not say No! Perhaps he's right. BUT,,,on the other hand,,,what did he expect when I took her to the vet. I couldn't walk away knowing feathers were stuck inside Baby. YUK. That's just cruel and you are right,,,I would not have slept! Julie
Julie, I just now saw this. Im so sorry about sweet Baby. Tiffany is right-you do what helps you sleep better at night. Whether or not DH thinks you should have spent the money, it's over and done now and it's best if he can just try to move on from here. I would have wanted to spend it, but wouldn't have had it to spend, and it would have hurt me not to help my animal, dog, cat or chicken.
julie, money is one of those issues that is going to be different for everyone and each family but in my book you did the right thing. i spent $1200.00 on thanksgiving for a surgery for a neighbor's chicken that was attacked by my foster dog. he became my rescue chicken after the neighbors said they didn't want a handicapped bird (he's the bird in my avatar). the people working the desk at the vet clinic thought i was totally nuts but to me a life is a life, a bird is a bird. i keep some pretty "expensive" parrots but to me a chicken is just the same as the parrot . . . same intelligence level, same ability to suffer or feel happiness . . .
give your hubby some time to absorb the "shock" - i suspect he'll come around - once he "re-works" the whole thing he will probably put it in the "well, it was important to her . . ." department and leave it at that. he should be glad he lives with such a loving and compassionate partner. next time he cuts his finger and you come running with the band-aids he should be glad he picked someone so sensitive/caring! (go ahead, remind him! ha!)
anywhoo, hang in there and congrats on your buff chicks . . . maybe baby has come back to you . . .
f. weeble

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