Baby Toulouse: What else can I feed them?


11 Years
May 8, 2008
South Central IL
My day old Toulouse ducklings are not seeming very interested in the chick starter provided.
What else do you feed geese babies?

My Pekin and Mallard babies never acted so "what is this" they just ate it with the chicks...Can you give me some ideas?

If they are really young, they may still be absorbing the yolk and just aren't hungry yet. Otherwise, you can try moistening the starter with some water and see if they prefer that. Small chopped up bits of non-chemically treated grass, dandelion leaves, or spinach might tempt them as well.
Spinach leaves shredded, iceberg lettuce or any salad making.
Float it in their water as a treat and they will love it. The quicker
you get them outside and on fresh grass the better it will be and the
healthier they will be. Throw in a whole carrot for them to nibble on,
it also keeps them occupied. Green beans are good also, just don't
put any canned veggies in, too much sodium.
I put shredded lettuce and I cut up some carrots in small pcs. They went crazy!!
We let them outside today with us as guardians. They just followed us around it was so cute. We sat a water dish that was like 2in deep and they got in there and and just played, it was too cute. They are doing great thanks for all your help!!

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