Baby Treats?

mine are four weeks old and go crazy over freeze dried meal worms.i put some in my palm and crunch them up.and let them eat out of my hands.i chopped up some mix veggies,that was a waste of time.they would't even taste them.
Our chicks are 1 week old and they went crazy over some crumbled up crackers. I fed them out of my hand and now every time we reach into the brooder they come running. Only fed it to them once. Heck of a memory they have.
Learning a lot! So what is the yogurt and milk products help with? Also how long do you keep themm off grass? Thanks
Mine are 4 weeks old and LOVE june bugs. They will fly into their cage and a frenzy starts. They run everywhere and play keep away with them. Ive given them tomatoes too the Cherry tomatoes and they love them too.
If you want to teach them to fly out of the brooder, give them a couple of dried mealy worms (Happy Hen Treats) and shake the bag or jar. They will come running..or fly out of the coop on the chance that you might give them one:)
I also hang a Babycakes (Flockblock made for peeps) and they pick at all day....not at each other.
We started with cracked corn at 5 weeks so they can scratch for it in addition to their medicated chick starter.
Good Luck! My babies love treats!

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