Baby trying to make it


7 Years
Sep 26, 2015
Portland OR
My mail order chicks came this morning and I picked them up within 15 minutes.
When I got home and opened the box, one was on her side, I assumed dead and took a picture for the hatchery.

But as I picked her up, I saw her gasp to breathe. She was very, very cold, so I warmed her first with my hands and when that didn't seem fast enough, a blow dryer. Now I've got reasonably normal breathing, a short little burst of chirps here and there, and she's peeked around a little. Got a little bit of straight from the bottle poultridrench in her mouth using the end of a little zip tie- she wasn't conscious enough to swallow, so I didn't want to give a drop, just enough to get absorbed thru the mouth. I've got her in my hand and felt her legs move and she's holding her head up by herself now. :celebrate

Aside from keeping her warmed and loved and trying food and poultridrench water, anything else to do?


Warm sugar water is the best thing. You can use a 1ml very narrow syringe to place drops of the water into the right side of her beak, waiting for her to swallow before placing the next one in.

Hopefully, this chick hasn't suffered neurological damage from being chilled. If it does revive, but is unsteady and has poor balance or has trouble standing, give vitamin E 400iu with some soft boiled egg each day until it appears normal.
I am not an expert but I would just keep her warm and let her destress. She must be pretty tired and stressed. When she is able to swallow, try giving her that poultridrench again. She does need to drink but make sure she can swallow first. Good luck!
Warm sugar water is the best thing. You can use a 1ml very narrow syringe to place drops of the water into the right side of her beak, waiting for her to swallow before placing the next one in.

Hopefully, this chick hasn't suffered neurological damage from being chilled. If it does revive, but is unsteady and has poor balance or has trouble standing, give vitamin E 400iu with some soft boiled egg each day until it appears normal.

ok got a couple drops of sugar water down- her sister LOVED that idea- She was able to stand while I did it and took a few steps. Considering she was just about dead two hours ago, I'm happy with that! I've got both chicks in my hand now that she's supporting her own weight, figure companionship plays a role. Her name, how ever long she lives, is definitely going to be Lazarus!
Thanks, I sure hope so. She's been walking around and is in with her siblings, though I haven't seen her make a serious attempt at eating - she did a little poop for me which tells me things go from the beak to the "end". Fingers crossed she goes on to be a normal little chickee!
If you don't think she is eating enough, try giving her boiled egg chopped very small.
Good news this morning, Lazarus is drinking on her own for sure, gave a second confirmed poo, and pecked at a little food. Yesterday she spent a good amount of time with me, then went under the MHP with her siblings for a good rest. She's walking and talking with no readily apparent deficiencies, so I'm feeling optimistic about her viability.

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