Baby turkey...


10 Years
Apr 12, 2009
West Virginia
I have five little baby turkeys. I think I am going to lose one, it just cheeps and cheeps. I have been trying to put sugar water and vitamins down his noisy little beak, but I am afraid I will drown him.

Even when he is asleep he cheeps. Otherwise he just stands there and doesn't eat or drink.


Baby turkeys have little BUMPS on their FOREHEADS!

I thought at first they had bugs or something. My goodness.

Baby turkeys are very fragile. All you can do is to keep trying the sugar water. Using a syringe with no needle will allow you to put just one drop at a time on the side of his beak. The bump on its forehead is its snood. They can contract and expand it as they grow.
Sorry to hear about your turkey
I will try the syringe, and also the hard boiled egg.

I am SO afraid of drowning him.

Um--on the snood--I feel sort of dumb about this, but I only have one turkey and I did not raise him from a only the males have this, or both?

Some seem definitely to be more prominent.

Everybody else is eating. This is Tom's new little flock. I feel sure he is very excited, as I have promised him that this time next year he will have his own flock (Tom being our turkey, of course.)

My baby turkey died. Actually, he committed suicide.

I can't believe it. He seemed as if he was doing a little better, and I had been carrying him around under my blouse, and I gave him egg and sugar and vitamins--and darned if he didn't stick his head in the waterer and drowned.

I had put him back in their little box to give him a chance to eat some more egg.

Mind you, this is a little chick waterer, not anything big that you would expect a chick to drown in. His head fit in there, though, and although he was not strong he was not so weak that he couldn't pick up his head.

So I guess it was just meant to be.



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