Baby turkeys got them, never have had them before, help.


10 Years
Feb 23, 2009
Carleton Mi.
Just picked up 2 turkeys from tsc. Got everything I need for chicks are the turkeys going to be any diffrent? I could not find any books to find out. I need answers. I just got them home and in brooder box.
Don't worry...they'll be fine.
You need a gamebird starter or feed. Turkeys do not need medicated
starter like many people feed chicks. They do need a higher protein.
22 to 26% is good.
Yes the temp is the same for both chicks and poults. Watch the poults and make sure they know where the food and water is. We pick them up and put their beak in the water a couple of times. Also make sure the chicks are not pushing them away from the food. What kind of poults do you have?
I will look into what kind they are. They will be white I do know that. i just wanted to make sure I was doing the right things for them.
If they are white and they were around 5 or 6 dollars then they are probably Broad Breasted Whites. If you paid more then 9 dollars for them then they are probably one of the heritage breeds, Midgets or Hollands.
The were $5.00 each at TSC. We told the boys we will name them "food" names because we will probably eat them when they are grown. Gizzard and Gibblet sound good.

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