Bachelor brothers rooster flock

I’ve had a bachelor flock for years, and they get along well (at least it works in my instance). I have hiding spots, multiple feeding and watering stations, roosts, AND the “chicken prison” cage (extra large dog kennel) for any boy that needs a time-out. Mine get along 99% of the time (they were all my hatches and raised together). But…. when one starts to bully…. he spends time in chicken prison. Maybe consider rehoming the bully, and see how it works after he’s gone. Maybe rehome the one being bullied, so he can live a life without fear of being attacked. I hope you find a way that works for you and your roosters.
Thanks! I’ve been looking for homes for all of them with no luck unfortunately but I’ll just keep an eye out and try some things u mentioned out!
Gosh, I'm not sure what I would do there. I guess I would try to get him with his own flock, but non-dominate roosters aren't always the best flock leaders.

Is there anyone who is especially mean to him? Or does it seem to be everyone?
I have a similar bachelor flock right now of 5 Welsummers rooster brothers from the same rooster daddy! I usually eat or give away the excess males but did not this hot summer with these guys. Besides, I was and still enjoy watching them as farm ornaments! They are beautiful and entertaining at times. They get along fine until about the time the spurs are getting large. Now they have decided that one or some are not welcome on the roost at night and chaos has begun. They free range in the day and have a secure coop for the night but now a few did not go in last night and took to the roof and trees after a loud and sprawling brawl until dark! None have been hurt bad yet but something will get them if they don't hurt each other. I will likely cull a couple soon. Better for me to eat them rather than something else or for them to kill each other! I love watching those boys range the property. I wish they could all get along but it is not in their nature. They are males and we are like that as well sometimes. It is the testosterone I suppose.
Dang! Sounds similar! I love watching them too! Great ornaments!

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