Back the truck up! Do females have waddles???

okay I took this pic last night. I tried to get the feet in but chickie wouldn't stay still! It's the best close up I could get. Would do you all think?

My first thought on seeing that pic-a wealthy woman with her hair done, her necklace on and her mink coat! lol Oh and don't forget the eyeliner! lol Oh boy, I need to get off of here! lol
Gorgeous naked neck you've got there!
All ducks waddle

And most chickens have wattles to some extent. the genes for beards and crests casue wattles to be smaller to non-existant. To be shown, male gamebirds must be dubbed, so you will usually not see wattles on them.

Some breeds tend to have larger wattles (leghorns, for example), some smaller. Hens wattles are typically smaller than a male of hte same breed, but may be larger than a male of a different breed.

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