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Hoopy, I bet I have it in my yard, yet wouldn't know it if it bit me. I hear it is useful for many things, including as a cooked green.
Okay, no worries. Yes, very good for wildcrafting and eating :) Just wasn't sure if it could handle Z4. I'll do a little more digging. I live near a pond so if it's not there it might have to accidentally get seeded in one little spot ;)
Just don't put it raw into a salad!

On my to try list this spring is horseradish greens. I have a friend who's going to give me some greens to try, as well as some roots to plant. He says that the greens are an "acquired taste". I love home made seafood cocktail sauce. will never buy it prepared again. And of course, I'd much rather have my own horseradish than have to buy it at the store.

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