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My sister had an old flip phone forever and they finally stopped supporting it. So she had to get a smart phone e which she hates!
She is ex-military and she does not like the fact our government spies on us. For the longest time when ever we would talk on the phone she would just randomly say the word "bomb" just to be a pita for big brother!
Kinda big brother crept in and we did not stop it


My sister had an old flip phone forever and they finally stopped supporting it. So she had to get a smart phone e which she hates!
She is ex-military and she does not like the fact our government spies on us. For the longest time when ever we would talk on the phone she would just randomly say the word "bomb" just to be a pita for big brother!

LOL that's awesome.

Apparently they can check library records too

I was going to watch that but .. i didnt lol I feel like i would have done ok/ I am a big fan of living simply. I hate the idea of being tracked and that is one of the main reason that I have never owned a cell phone. // 98 jeep aint being tracked either lol

LOL I think it's available online. It was a great show. Sad they never renewed it for a second season.

I have way too much stuff lol

And lol I couldn't go without a phone or computer, most of my friends are online

And LOL yeah I think it's cars after a certain year
My sister did have ATT home phone service so she did not need a cell phone.
Then all of a sudden the phone quit working and ATT could not fix it and did not understand why! That's the only reason she did finally get a cell phone.
And she hates it!

Ah that sucks! She couldn't get another home phone?
I think you can turn off that ad stuff on your browser's settings or maybe Google's settings.

I downloaded this app called Duck Duck Go which blocks the trackers and stuff on websites. Google and FB have trackers on most websites, Google is like 75%, FB 25%, plus random other trackers. This thing blocks them all which I like.

And I have all the history based ads and tracking and everything turned off, or so I thought, but it is still blocking trackers from them! And other sites.
good to know. will have a go.

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