Back to Eden Gardening and Hugelkulture and other non-conventional garden methods

My sister had an old flip phone forever and they finally stopped supporting it. So she had to get a smart phone e which she hates!
She is ex-military and she does not like the fact our government spies on us. For the longest time when ever we would talk on the phone she would just randomly say the word "bomb" just to be a pita for big brother!

as so many family are working for subcontractors we wouldnt dare. even we were investigated at hire for those familymembers.
I understand all that though my x was Coast guard high up Juneau Ak then best friend growing up her Mom was in the black box for airplane company here she was coming up for week and they all had fits going through all of us with a fine tooth comb
So my parents have these massively deep flower pots that they plant flowers in each spring. This year mom mentioned to me that it seems wasteful to fill the soil to the top of such a deep pot for flowers. I mentioned to her that she could fill it about 1/3 of the way up with sticks and wood chunks because that would improve drainage, break down and add nutrients to the soil, and create a spacer to reduce the amount of soil required to fill the pot. Based on my understanding of hugelkulture, wouldn’t this technically be hugelkulture?
So my parents have these massively deep flower pots that they plant flowers in each spring. This year mom mentioned to me that it seems wasteful to fill the soil to the top of such a deep pot for flowers. I mentioned to her that she could fill it about 1/3 of the way up with sticks and wood chunks because that would improve drainage, break down and add nutrients to the soil, and create a spacer to reduce the amount of soil required to fill the pot. Based on my understanding of hugelkulture, wouldn’t this technically be hugelkulture?

Yes, this is HK on a small scale. The more rotten or punky this material is, the better.
Planted out a large raised bed---and stuffed old dried wood along the inside edges. FIgure they will eventually absorb water and start to rot. Had an old pine come down, guess it was done providing perches and bugs to the wildlife, crashed down over a coop and into the garden space. Just moving bits and peices to a new job!!!

Hating that I dont have a chipper. Figure to make piles of chopped brush and add compost and such to get it brewing. Then spread it out for planting. Thinking it might be a good idea to make pile near the fruit trees and let the material feed the fruit trees......

any one see a problem with that?????

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