Backyard Brahmas!!

These darks are huge they have the real heavy brow. I figure since its March now breeders will have chicks available.
The darks are GORGEOUS! Wanted some, but DH wanted project, I like GL too, so it was the compromise. One of ours has really great type, one is the biggest bird and is still going (7 months old and is almost 7 lbs!), she has VH though unfortunately.....then the poor 3rd one, she's a bit small and has a sparrow head, but the best color and legs. Please post pics of your darks as they get older! We are planning a move in just a couple of years, and will expand our chickens quite a bit, so I may have to hit you up!

Here is my dark I got the other day the hen to go with him is beautiful as well. I am looking for another color to add to my yard that way I will have different colors to work with.
Omg! I'm incredibly happy right now! I just got six Brahma Chicks, does anybody have any tips? Also, for someone with Brahma hens, approx. how many eggs do you get a week?
Awww congratulations on the peeps! I started mine on fermented feed pretty quickly and they loved it (it also had added moisture when the weather got hot) and apple cider vinegar in the water, they were adorable and learned quickly. When digging in the garden whenever I found a bug I'd whistle three times and toss them the tidbit, it didn't take long for them to come barreling over to me when I whistled after that. :)

The one Light Brahma that I kept started laying right after the winter solistice and has steadily lay every day for 3-4 days in a row, then one day off. Started off laying 50g. right off the bat, now she's up to 55g. most days.
I have one who lays an egg everyday for about a week then takes a day but the others are closer to every other day layers. If you know what hatchery/breeder the chicks are from it could help you get a better idea of what to expect laying wise. Have Fun!!

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