Backyard Brahmas!!

I just moved mine into a new coop as well.  First night, I had to place everyone in one of the "apartments".  I sort of decided who went where after watching how they acted together.  Tonight was the second night.  When it was close to dark, everyone had picked an "apartment" to go into (I left two of the coops open to give them options until they fully integrate).  Amazing enough, the way I had placed them last night was NOT the arrangement that they picked for tonight.  I expect tomorrow night, the older ones will all go into one coop and the younger will stay in the second.

Anyway, I guess I'm saying as long as they are safe, let them work it out themselves.  I needed to have all of mine in a coop because they are not safe outside.  But after the first night of forcing, they were all tucked away tonight.

On a different note, the one that I have that tends to go broody won't stay away from the old coop.  She flies over the fence to get back to the old coop to lay her egg.  She's done that two days in a row, and then waits for me to lift her up to put her back in (now, if she could fly out shouldn't she be able to fly back in?).  Her old coop is going to be dismantled in the next day or two, so soon she won't have anywhere to go.  Funny how chickens become attached to a particular place.


Reading this helps my "1st night in coop" anxiety.....I'll let them work it out. I know they are safe but it's still nerve racking!!!

About your escapee...guess it's harder to teach an old hen new tricks??? Bless her little heart....never a full moment in the chicken world!!
i used a laser pointer to get mine in the new coop. They would chase it right in and i closed the door

Funny you would mention laser pointers - I was out today trying to get some pics of our bunch and it was nearly impossible because my camera emits a green light that kept shining where I was pointing it and the darn chickens were too worried about chasing and "catching" the light to hold still for anything more than a shot of their backs as they stared at the floor, the wall, the side of the feeder -- whatever surface the light was showing up on...
Reading this helps my "1st night in coop" anxiety.....I'll let them work it out. I know they are safe but it's still nerve racking!!!

About your escapee...guess it's harder to teach an old hen new tricks??? Bless her little heart....never a full moment in the chicken world!!
1st night in coop anxiety is a problem. I think I went out 3-4 times between sunset and midnight, just to make sure no one was bloody. They all seemed to look at me like "Why are you waking me up...what is going on?" So, tonight, I only went out once to make sure everyone got in and to close the doors. I have automatic doors that close at sunset, but I really didn't want to be chasing anyone around after dark. Anyway, all is well tonight, sleeping tight and I'm going to try to get a full night's sleep (although I have a hatch going on in the bator....)
Ok I am very new to raising chickens and I have a breeding question. I bought 12 chicks from TS. Is it ok to breed them with each other? I didn't know if I should get a roo from a different source so they wouldn't be related. Sorry if that is a stupid question I'm really new at this. The only purpose of the chickens is for meat and eggs, NOT show.
Ok I am very new to raising chickens and I have a breeding question. I bought 12 chicks from TS. Is it ok to breed them with each other? I didn't know if I should get a roo from a different source so they wouldn't be related. Sorry if that is a stupid question I'm really new at this. The only purpose of the chickens is for meat and eggs, NOT show.

I don't think you'll have a problem with keeping one of your cockerels for breeding. I've done it and have raised many healthy pullets and meat cockerels from hatchery stock. IMO the taste/texture of my meat cockerels is way better than any CornishX I've ever raised.
Good luck...keep us posted on your progress!
Well my Brahma rooster decided to try to jump me today.  He got a kick for his efforts and I told him he was up for soup the next time.  We'll see.

:lau I know exactly what you mean!

We moved our Brahmas into their new coop/run. They seem to like it. I tried to show them their coop and that was a complete bust. I'm a little unsure what to do...let them figure it out themselves? We have a couple nights coming soon that will be cold. They are feathered out. I'm so nervous.





I LOVE that setup!! :thumbsup
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My Brahmas spent their first night in the big coop last night. When I checked on them after dark, the little dummies were in a corner of the run, against the fence!! SMH. Thank goodness nothing reached through the fencing for a snack!! I had to move them inside the coop. I'll just have to keep moving them until they figure it out on their own.

Silly birds.
For those introducing birds to a new coop/run try keeping them in the coop for a day or two first. They learn that they have food/water and it's warm/dry and safe. Then open the door for them to go out...if something scares them they usually go right back to where they were safe and will return there to roost. I'll be doing it myself this week...moving 4 hens to a new breeder coop/run that they've never been in.

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