Backyard Brahmas!!


Good news. I´m sure she´ll resume laying for you once she´s feeling fit again. How are the wounds? Closed over now?
She won't let me near her now to take a look at the wounds. I get a glance of them now and then and they look clean, but I can't tell if they've closed up or not. I think she got very, very tired of being handled by me. The funny thing is that she used to be the one that would hop on my lap for treats, now she runs the minute she sees me in the run.

Dang i wish these chickens would lay me an egg. They were all born nov 22. The boys are definately doing their part. At what age did every1 elses brahmas start laying? Im getting low on flock raiser. The laying mash is 40% cheaper. I dont want to have to buy another bag of flock raiser this close to laying. Idk
Give them layers, then. They´re ready for it. Mine start at around 6 months. Layers now is fine.
She won't let me near her now to take a look at the wounds. I get a glance of them now and then and they look clean, but I can't tell if they've closed up or not. I think she got very, very tired of being handled by me. The funny thing is that she used to be the one that would hop on my lap for treats, now she runs the minute she sees me in the run.

Mine was like that, poor gal. She still avoids me now! To have a look, I´d take in her favourite treat and hover over her, then pin her so I could get her. Check her she´s great, all healed and with feathers, just a tiny bald bit that probably will never have feathers, but I´m absolutely amazed at the healing ability of chickens. Once my cockerel starts mating I´ll need to put a little coat on her.
Hi all! Brand new Brahma owner here, though not brand new to chickens in general.

So anyway, here are my two "babies" A couple of 3 or 4 wk old hatchery chicks from TSC. We actually bought TSC's minimum of 6 and gave the other 4 away because we really only wanted two. These were supposed to be sexed pullets. And going by the barred wing feathering when we bought them two weeks ago that's what they'd all looked like. My daughters, however, tried to pick two that DID look a little different so we could tell them apart. And now as they're feathering in more, it's seeming as if the one with more black on "her" may actually be a he? Or am I just imagining things?

In this pic, the one I'm still positive is a pullet is in the back facing to the left with her head under the waterer. The one I'm questioning is right in front of her facing towards the white silkie.

As you can see, (s)he still has the barring visible on the longer flight feathers, which were about the only feathers (s)he had when we got her/him. As opposed to the other one being pretty much fully feathered at the same age. Am I just imagining things? Or is my pullet turning into a cockerel. My older daughter also noticed that this same bird is getting quite red little wattles already. Where the other one has no sign of them forming yet.
Hi all! Brand new Brahma owner here, though not brand new to chickens in general.

So anyway, here are my two "babies" A couple of 3 or 4 wk old hatchery chicks from TSC. We actually bought TSC's minimum of 6 and gave the other 4 away because we really only wanted two. These were supposed to be sexed pullets. And going by the barred wing feathering when we bought them two weeks ago that's what they'd all looked like. My daughters, however, tried to pick two that DID look a little different so we could tell them apart. And now as they're feathering in more, it's seeming as if the one with more black on "her" may actually be a he? Or am I just imagining things?

In this pic, the one I'm still positive is a pullet is in the back facing to the left with her head under the waterer. The one I'm questioning is right in front of her facing towards the white silkie.

As you can see, (s)he still has the barring visible on the longer flight feathers, which were about the only feathers (s)he had when we got her/him. As opposed to the other one being pretty much fully feathered at the same age. Am I just imagining things? Or is my pullet turning into a cockerel. My older daughter also noticed that this same bird is getting quite red little wattles already. Where the other one has no sign of them forming yet.
Welcome to the best breed ever! Brahmas are notoriously hard to sex. Many of the folks on here thought that they had a pullet, turned out to be a cockerel and the other way around as well. Only time will tell for sure. Best bet is to wait a little while and see what you've got. If you can get some better pictures, we can try to help you out but all of us on here will tell you that we're not perfect at it either. Again, welcome!
New Brahma owner here :) Mine came from Mt Healthy Hatchery. I ordered 3 Buff Brahma pullets (along with several other breeds--25 chicks ordered total and they shipped me 26...but one of my EE's didn't make it). They tossed in an extra and it is a Brahma as well--and it doesn't look like the 3 I have (it's a bit lighter), but it's not so light as a Light Brahma.
I really like them a lot, even though they are only a week old right now, they are some of the calmer chicks in the bunch!
I started a thread elsewhere asking if others thought my lighter one was still a buff or not, but haven't gotten many replies to it...and one said it wasn't a Brahma at all, but looked like a Cochin (Brahmas are the only feather footed breed Mt Healthy has that I'm aware of, never seen Cochin listed on their site, so I'm almost positive it's a Brahma)
My chicks think they are ducks! I have 12 brahma chicks and 2 rouen ducklings that are 9 weeks old. I have alway kept them together and they share a coop now. It has been raining here for the past 2 days and the chicks will not go in the coop at all. I'm assuming it because the duck want to stay out in the rain. They do have areas to go together out of the rain and they do, but will not go in the coop. They have been out in the coop for over a month now and I have never really had an issue like this. Is this ok for them? Since they can go in anytime they want and choose not to I have just let them alone.:idunno
My main man Kurt Crowbain....
I don't know if he was having a bad day or ate a bad bug but he was just lazy yesterday. He would walk around with his choice girls, eat this & that, then lie down. He was super docile. When he usually struts around. I checked for mites, pasty booty, and really a whole check up & he seemed fine. He sat in my lap til it was time to go back in their coop/run. So we put some probiotics in their water, I guess for my comfort purposes. This morning he was the first to race out and start the day.

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