Backyard Brahmas!!

Huntress I too have a mixed flock. EE standard and banty, GLW, SS,Black and Blue Cochin and then my LF Lights. My Cochins and Brahmas are so less drama queens then the rest. I really really really want Blue Jersey Giants next year and hope and pray I get to expand for them. But I seriously think the EE bunch will be thinned out to 3 and a Brahma,Cochin and Giant hunt will happen. I love these big ol' sweethearts. I hang out with my Bluebell a lot. She's so fluffy!
I haven't really had a mixed flock since I lost all of my layers this winter. I've still got a mixed cock that has managed to live through everything that no one else survived through. I hate to send him to freezer camp, but I really don't have a use for him anymore. I decided to strictly focus on Brahmas last fall and circumstances were such that I now have my wish. I do miss the mixed barnyard layers though, we're not getting very many fresh eggs right now and have to buy them from the store.
Hey all!!
New to Brahma's and chickens all together!
I have 3 light Brahma's that I was told were pullets when I bought them until I called the store the other day on suspicious that I have a Roo, and now they claim they were straight run..
.. We dont want roosters.. Only girls, here for eggs.. Ive posted on a few threads to get opinions and the majority is that its a roo but that their maybe a small possibility it could be a pullet so here it goes.. What do you guys think...its 7/8 weeks old. Thanks

I haven't really had a mixed flock since I lost all of my layers this winter. I've still got a mixed cock that has managed to live through everything that no one else survived through. I hate to send him to freezer camp, but I really don't have a use for him anymore. I decided to strictly focus on Brahmas last fall and circumstances were such that I now have my wish. I do miss the mixed barnyard layers though, we're not getting very many fresh eggs right now and have to buy them from the store.
Well, that´s for sure..Brahmas aren´t likely to keep you going in eggs...mine have just started laying again after many months.
I like my others, Isas and mixed-breeds, for getting more regular eggs.
I sell their eggs to get food for the brahmas!
Mine have yellow legs and feet as well. Just when they get older and start laying they tend to start to pale (at least mine do). Add poor lighting and an improper aperture setting on the camera and you get washed out colors. I usually correct my pictures, but didn't do it to that one........
Oh, I see. Cameras are strange things, eh? My son seems to get better pics with his phone than I do with my camera!
I´m looking forward to seeing your babies all feathered out and round!

Did you think those pullets of mine looked a bit like yours?
suyoder try sitting in pen/run with treats in your hand. let them come to you and do it often. once they are comfortable with you they will eat from hand and climb all over you. make very slow movements to pet them . just continue this and they will take you as a non threat and then follow you as well.

Thanks for all the tips everyone! I have handled them and given them treats from day one... And the older they get the worse they are. I moved them to their new pen outdoors about a week or so ago... I wonder if thats the main problem.
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suyoder ah yeah moving them may have them shook up some. If you have hand feed since chick keep doing it. mine font feed by hand now but chill out by my feet and cuddle up when I pick my cuddles up. my males are bit aloof which is fine and they know I am boss and a food source.
I don't plan to switch completely to Brahmas next year. I will still keep a mixed flock but the main breed will be Brahma. I am really in love with large fowl. So laid back and not as flighty.
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@bumpercarr , @katt66 , @carcar80

Very good thoughts from all 3 of you about the cockerels.... Thanks! I had thought that i needed to tame my roosters so they are gentle! I will keep,my distance now.

Actually what I gather from some non Brahma folks, some times when they have problems with a male getting nasty with their people, it is often a bird that was super tame as a youngster. As they matured and hormones kicked in, they became aggressive. They had long ago lost any fear of their people, and I don't know if they looked at people as rivals, or maybe just thought they needed to be brought in line. So what I'm saying I guess, is having your cock bird be a little bit scared of you may not be an altogether bad thing.

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