Backyard chickens is the best resource for new flock owners!


9 Years
Apr 15, 2014
Surrey, British Columbia
We are now officially new members but have been reading forums for knowledge for a long time... About a year. This site is awesome! We just got our new ladies 2 days ago and thanks to all your posts things are going well. Three 8 week old cuckoo marans and one 4 week old barred rock. (The little one is still in the house for the night in a dag carrier, it's too cold in the coop for her) starting to put the garden barriers up but I do have one important question..... Will they try to eat the rhubarb ? I know the leaves are toxic to humans and the patch is way on the other side of the yard. Should I fence this off too or will they leave it alone?
I'm sorry I don't know the answer to your question - responders coming after me probably will. I would rather be safe than sorry, so I would fence the rhubarb off from the chickens.
I wouldn't count on birds knowing what is toxic or not.

You could put "Is Rhubarb poisonous to chickens" in the search box and see what comes up

Welcome to BYC!

Yes, rhubarb is toxic to chickens, but they have to eat a lot of it to get sick. Generally if they are not starved for food, they won't eat things that can harm them. However to be on the safe side, I would do away with the rhubarb myself. I dug up several prized plants when I got my chickens as I just couldn't take the chances with my flock.

Great to have you aboard and welcome to our flock!
Hello :frow and Welcome To BYC! X4 I would fence it off, even if they don't eat it, they will probably damage to the bed itself scratching around the plants.
Thank you everyone! Yes looks as though once the big run gets finished this weekend I'll be setting up the garden fences EVERYWHERE :D. Sheesh it's only been 4 days and I'm already a neurotic chicken mom. ( little airya is now in the house as she is only 5 weeks old and it is only 9 degrees centigrade outside at the daily high) the 9 week old girls are fine with no heat but wasn't sure about the little barred rock.
Good luck with your poultry raising adventures, and I hope you find everything you need to know. I'm sure you have learning a lot from this site! There is always something new to learn! Glad to have you here! See you around with the flock.
Welcome to BYC!! I agree with you, BYC is probably the best place for chicken information online. This site was actually my inspiration for raising chickens in my backyard. After a lot of reading on this forum, I pitched the idea to my parents, and when they asked me where I got all of the information, I gave them the generic answer of "internet". You can honestly learn anything about chickens here!

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