Backyard chickens UK


6 Years
Nov 19, 2013
I love this website but live in England, is there a UK version, or are there other 'UKnians' on here?
I love this website but live in England, is there a UK version, or are there other 'UKnians' on here?

Hello there,
I'm a displaced Brit living in the US, but I believe there are several UKnians that subscribe here. I have chatted back & forth with a couple of Scots and at least 1 English person. I'm sure there is a UK equivalent to BYC.....
Love your handle - so English!! Sue
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I'm a newbie to this site. Based in Wales UK. So wanted to say hi. Is there a thread for Wales?
I, ve got 3 ducks, all female and looking for a young drake
I too am a newbie .Based in norfolk I have 9 girls silkies, isabella, lavender pekin 2 other pekins and 4 frizz els
I'm a UKnian in Gloucestershire, England. There are other poultry websites based in the UK but not one that has a patch on this one for help, info and sheer knowledge. I just don't think the UK does forum life in the same way. Nor, in fact, does it 'do' animals in the same way. Our American compadres are somewhat more obsessed than the average reserved Brit and therefore they are so much more geared for things. I have goats and chickens and the supplies available in the UK for them are ridiculously limited. I recently nearly lost one of my goats to urinary calculi and had to resort to feeding him drain cleaner and plant food to get him through it because the things I needed were not available as food supplements like they are in the US.

So anyway, welcome to the best Poultry site you'll find! xx
hi I'm newbie and loving this site
Living in Hampshire uk, have 3 beautiful dogs, 4 hens , 3 baby chicks, and grandsons rabbit lives at mine.
Am attempting veggie growing lol

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